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Here are some of the most used excuses for not exercising during the holidays…
Do any sound familiar?
I hope not!
While the holidays are supposed to be about joy and cheer some may not feel so joyous after they indulge in parties full of sweets, alcohol and all kinds of goodies.
Which is why it’s even more important to exercise and not find an excuse not to!
Wouldn’t it be excellent to enjoy the holidays, and bring in the New Year without any extra weight?!
Check out tips to help you stay on track during the holidays if you want some direction away from the excuses.
Others have signed up and are participating in the Fit for 2012 Challenge…they didn’t let excuses keep them from working out and eating better! What about you? Ready for the challenge?
Some have opted for the 25 Days til Christmas Weight Management & Fitness Plan which outlines every day from Dec 1st through Dec 25th for you.
One woman (and dear friend of mine) even lost weight just after a week of being on the program and her intent was to maintain her weight so she’s happy happy happy!
And now, for the excuses you need to stop using!
Excuse: I don’t have the time.
Sorry, we all have the same 24 hours a day every day of the year.
The holidays are no different!
You make time for what’s important as noted in post about Black Friday vs Time for Fitness!
I know the holidays are busy because you’re out shopping, going to parties, etc. but really….even 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week will help.
I’m almost certain you waste more than that doing other things (like reading blogs! lol I DO want you to read but I also want you to be active)
Besides, physical activity helps relieve stress (and we all know how stressful the holidays can be–stressing over gifts, family, obligations, etc. etc.)
Ok this really doesn’t apply to me (South Floridian here) or those in warm tropical climates yet so many others use it as an excuse.
Excuse: It’s too cold.
Yes, I do remember how cold it can get (used to deliver newspapers at 5 a.m. before school in subzero weather and snow-made for great tips though!) so yes I remember cold and snow.
But, that doesn’t mean you have to brave the freezing weather, snow, sleet…
workout inside- treadmill, Wii Sports (my favs are bowling, archery, baseball), yoga, get a rebounder (trampoline), do body weight exercises. If you are looking for sports equipment, visit batandballgame.com for more information.
There is plenty for you to do in your own home (so you don’t even have to venture out into the great cold beyond).
Excuse: I have to attend work/office parties and family parties-there are just so many!
Yes, I know there are a lot of parties to attend be it at the office or home with family & relatives.
But, that doesn’t mean you have indulge at every single one of them.
If you must go to each party then here are some tips to keep the damage to a minimum.
Eat something light before you go so you won’t be famished and over do it.
Eat from the fruit and veggie platter.
Have a bite of the dessert that absolutely makes you drool…but no more!
Don’t go back for seconds.
Or, if you know that without a doubt you’re going to indulge then exercise prior to the party!
You’ll burn extra calories you may consume and get your metabolism going before you go.
Keep yourself busy talking to people, you can’t talk and eat at the same time (at least not if you care about the person you’re talking to seeing your chewed up food in your mouth!)
Excuse: I will be traveling so I can’t exercise.
I know I know…you’re getting on a jet plane, don’t know when you’ll be back again…
but really…
Traveling is no excuse.
Cardio workouts can be done in a hotel room or small spaces as proven by MizFit and Kelly Olexa
Delayed Flight?
No worries, here’s something to keep you busy and active while waiting!
Once you reach your destination, you don’t need equipment to work out.
New Year’s Resolutions
Excuse: I’ll start over on January 1st so I’m going to enjoy now.
Wouldn’t it be better to get a jump start on 2012 by not gaining extra holiday weight and being inactive?
Everyone makes New Year’s resolutions but usually within the first week of the year, they’re already done with them and back to their old ways.
That’s what the Fit for 2012 Challenge is about…instilling new healthier habits now in December so you’re ahead of the pack come January 1.
So, do you still have excuses or are you going to do something physical!
Great encouraging post!