As we know yesterday was Black Friday…
where all the crazies holiday shoppers temporarily (or perhaps not) lose their minds and become psychotic on a mission to save a few dollars at the cost of pepper spraying people, shooting people, trampling people (remember this one from 3 yrs ago–hmmm between this and the pepper spray what does that say about the type of people who shop at Wally World? #justsaying) and…well you get the idea. You’ve seen the headlines, the news!
Now, why is it that those very same people when asked why they don’t exercise will tell you
I don’t have enough time
I’m not a morning person
I’m just not motivated
Yet, here they are in the wee dark o’ clock hours waiting in line, shoving, pushing to possibly get one of ten (in the store) discounted big ticket items?!
How does that make any sense at all?
Oh, I know…you do it for the kids…
They were your motivating factor to go get everything they want at great prices, right?
Well, shouldn’t your kids also be the motivating factor to be healthy, in shape, eat properly so you’re around longer to be in your kids’ lives?!
What other excuse are you going to try?
It’s about priorities! and excuses!
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” ~Jim Rohn
That great deal on the tv or the xbox or whatever will long be gone before you…
so take care of yourself!
If you need help, hire a coach to guide you, educate you, support you to exercise more, eat healthier and be there for you.
But, quit with the excuses! (especially those of you who were out early shopping on Black Friday because you’ve proven you’re a morning person if you want to be!)
Question of the day
What are YOU going to do to get active this holiday season?