To keep it short & simple today…
here are some quick exercises you can do without equipment, wherever you are, and for however long you have.
Do every exercise as much as you can, and as effectively, in the time given.
Go through the routine more than once if you have time, taking a one minute break in between.
* Jumping Jacks: 60 seconds
* Burbees: 60 seconds
* Jump Squats: 60 seconds
* Side Kicks: 60 seconds
* Mountain Climbers: 60 seconds
* Pushups: 30 seconds
* Plank: 60 seconds
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I hate crash dieting. I just barely heard about the book though I have not read it. I am currently working with a very difficult back injury and cannot workout. I can hardly walk most of the time, actually. I am in for a long road of physical therapy so diet is all I have to work with at the moment…..
Have you ever fasted (gone without eating) for a long time?