The holiday season is here…
holiday cheer…
happiness, joy, glee, merry, food, lots of food, parties, lots of parties
shopping, wrapping gifts, working, going to more parties…
Where does the working out and exercise come into your schedule though?
If you have time for shopping and wrapping and all that other stuff, you have time to work out!
You don’t want to end the year with a stomach like Santa that jiggles like a bowl full of jelly, right?
You can survive and enjoy the holidays without gaining weight.
Yes, you can!
Some of these may seem like common sense but like we know, common sense isn’t so common.
1) Don’t skip breakfast! Make sure you fuel your body with nutrient rich foods in the morning to keep you going so you won’t overeat or grab some junk to fuel your body when it begins to slow down.
2) Prior to going to any holiday parties, have a snack that way you’re not starving when you get to the party and end up over indulging. Enjoy some fruit, yogurt, apple or rice cake with peanut butter on it (yum!)…
3) Make time to exercise. Make it a priority. Do not say you’re too busy. There’s always time to fit in some type of physical activity…even if it’s only 10 mins in morning, or during your lunch break, or a quick workout of any type in the evening…just make sure you keep active. If you’re active now…maintain that schedule or even add an additional workout in so you can indulge a bit when it comes to holiday foods & desserts you want.
4) Get some activity in during your normal daily errands, work, etc…
-When shopping park your car far from the store (which may be your only option anyhow depending on how busy it is–just be aware of your surroundings especially at dark).
-While standing in line, do calf raises or squats.
-Use the stairs in the mall instead of elevators or escalators.
-Carry your bags to your car instead of using a shopping cart.
5) Wear a tight shirt or pants so you will be more conscious of your appearance and not want to over eat like you might do if you had on a loose baggy shirt or dress.
6) Be aware of what you’re nibbling on and grazing on. A little of this and a little of that can add up quickly during the day and you won’t even realize it. You might want to keep a food journal (great for accountability as well as using as a reference point to see what and how much you really do consume during the day).
7) Limit alcohol. It’s full of calories and if you have more than you should, your judgment will be off and you may end up doing all kinds of things you will regret (including overdoing it in the food, dessert department as well).
8 ) Allow yourself a small serving of dessert or your favorite food. You will enjoy it and not feel deprived which could lead to overeating other foods to compensate and still leave you craving that special item. Be selective, if you’re going to splurge do it on items you don’t normally have access to.
9) Say no. You do not have to attend every party you’re invited to nor do you have to taste every food that is offered to you. Politely decline.
10) Release the guilt. If you do go overboard, don’t stress it…just get back on track and put the past behind you!
If you need someone to guide you, inspire you, be there for you consider hiring a coach.
You might also be interested in the 25 days til Christmas ebook for $4.99 which gives you day by day plan to follow!
You should also consider joining the Fit for 2012 Challenge. It’s free to enter and there are some great prizes to be won…in addition to the healthy habits you’ll pick up!
Question of the day
What is your favorite part of the holidays?
Lisa says
I just keep active. My workout schedule doesn’t change much during the holidays. That at least helps me maintain!