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It’s Friday (not like I had to tell y’all that! everyone looks forward to Friday)
I’m sure we all have things we’d like to accomplish with our workouts, fitness…
whether it’s hiking the Grand Canyon, lifting heavier, master crow pose in yoga (I still can’t do it.but.I.will), plank for 5 minutes or running a marathon…
Make a goal, plan what you have to do to accomplish that goal and go for it!
Life’s too short to have regrets.
Question of the day
What’s on your fitness bucket list?
p.s. don’t forget to enter the Gymboss interval timer giveaway and the The Run Home COURAGE bracelet giveaway
Great post! I like the November challenge. There are many things I want to work on the month. November just seems like a good time to get my butt in gear!
November is a great month to work on fitness. That’s the time of year when temptation is the highest for me.
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