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Here are 6 fitness tips:
1. Get a program that will best suit you. Everyone is different. If you hate to run, don’t run. If you can’t stand yoga, don’t do it. Do what you enjoy and what works for you.
2. Set realistic goals. Make sure that your goals and the time frame are achievable and realistic.
3. Work on those muscles. Cardio is great and a necessity as well but many avoid working their muscles. Do it! You will not turn into The Hulk.
4. Be consistent. Consistency is key. Don’t jump into a new workout full throttle & do more than you should, burn out and end up doing nothing. Take it slow and consistently adding to your workout program.
5. Variety. Every exercise program should have variety. You can change your workouts & goals to keep you motivated and on the go. Doing this will help you prevent being bored and losing energy physically and mentally.
6. Be Motivated! Renew that motivation daily.
Question of the day
What do you do to keep on track with your fitness goals?
I had a good routine, but am bored with it. I’m going to start doing a Wii Dance game, and see if I can get excited about exercising again.