Well, in my original post I said I’d quit the juice fast when my mind and body said to…
that was today…though I haven’t eaten anything yet I plan on it later.
So, 22 days later I’ll gradually transition back to food.
I lost 15.6 pounds (again this was NOT done to lose weight, just added benefit), gained some clarity on some things that are going on, feel better and skin is clearer.
Though I did start my day off on patio enjoying some freshly made apple cherry juice.
The rest of this week contains exterminators coming today to get rid of whatever creatures are in the attic (crrrreeepy when it sounds like people walking around up there!), working with AgeForce, getting new clients for WillWearYourAd.com, spending time doing yoga (one of these days or years I’ll finish my certification), running, throwing around kettlebell, and doing some research.
If you need some ideas for a Wednesday Wellness Workout try:
Question of the day
What does your week hold?
Wow. I give you MAJOR kudos for sticking with the juice fast for so long. I don’t think I could handle it, especially mentally, but it sounds like you got a LOT out of it, well beyond the weight loss side effect that you weren’t even going for, per se, with the fast. That’s great.
wow, do you have to slowly transition food back in now?
Jess, I’ve gone as long as 90 days in the past…
it helps me think better and get realigned and focused
Cat, it’s one of those do as I SAY not as I DO type of things! lol
You ‘should’ transition slowly back to regular food yet I’ve been doing this for so long and can pretty much eat or drink anything without any problems so today it’ll be fruit, veggies and knowing me tomorrow back into regular food (which for me is clean anyhow so not that big of a transition)… for a person who would do a juice cleanse/fast and then go right back into eating say a burger, steak or fast food that’d be asking for “issues”
Sounds like the juice fast was a success! Bet you’re glad it’s ending though
Wow! That’s some wonderful weight loss! How often do you cleanse, Tara?
Great work! I agree with Jess, major kudos for sticking to the plan! I cant really say that I would’ve easily been able to do the same haha. I love me some solids