Today’s Tuesday…Truthful Tuesday for my T Theme.
On my birthday (1/20) I posted a video about some confessions I was making & goals I have.
One of which is to get back down to my goal weight…
Sadly I was only 10 lbs. from that in June.
Then I let things get in the way.
Stopped eating properly, was unable to workout due to back/hip/ankle injury and then well everything snowballed from there…
leading to this….
So, I’m doing a juice fast to clean out my body & clear my mind.
I love to fast…be it a water fast, juice fast or a combo of the two.
I feel lighter, cleaner and can think clearer and get more insight to situations.
I am not fasting to lose weight. I am fasting to cleanse body & mind before anyone goes off on me about this (which is usually inevitable).
So, here I am enjoying fresh juice and water…
for how long I don’t know, til my body says not to.
I’ve done 7-10-14-21-40-90 days so who knows this time.
All I do know is because I let go of the reigns I’ve gained A LOT of weight and now it’s prevented me from getting some gigs I wanted (and were awesome paying ones at that).
However, on an upside my clients can see that I’ve been there, done that and can relate to what they’re dealing with during their own weight loss journey.
Yes, sometimes it’s easier for me to coach than to follow my own coaching *head slap*
But, no matter who you are or how far you slide you can pick yourself back up and get back into the healthy habits you’ve learned!
It’s never too late.
Remember that, so if you do happen to slip backwards a bit…get up and going again.
Don’t continue on that slippery road down hill.
Now, for some quick benefits of juice fasting
Juice fasting can lead to a complete body transformation.
Juice fasting allows the release of toxins from the colon, kidneys, bladder, sinuses, and skin.
On the mental/spiritual realm you can experience heightened spiritual awareness.
You may also experience the ability to relax…your body, mind and emotional state….which is what this blog is about “balancing healthy body, mind, soul”
Re-harnessing or developing a positive attitude towards the present and future can be a benefit of juice fasting as well.
Fruits have cleansing powers.
Vegetables are full of nutrients, fiber and healing properties of which the body can easily obtain these with fresh juices using vegetables.
Additionally, juice fasting is safer than water fasting since it provides nutrients to the body while still cleansing.
You may also experience a reduction in allergy symptoms.
Weight loss.
Increased energy is often a benefit.
Your skin tone may improve, being healthier and clearer.
If you decide to do a juice fast (or any fast for that matter) consult with a professional or your physician.
What I blog here is just how I do it and I know my body, I don’t know yours.
So what works for me, may not work or be safe for you.
Question of the day
Have you ever done a juice fast?
I haven’t done a juice cleanse before. Good luck to you with yours!
Good Luck! I have never done a juice fast before …it’s so hard to count the carbs for it where I’m a type 1
good luck with your cleanse! we have done many cleanses in the past!! great way to give your body rest.
Good Luck.
I’ve never done a juice fast, but I got a juicer for Christmas, and I’m completely in love with it. I’ve considered trying one for a couple of days, so maybe that will happen soon!
I’ve never made it past three days. It’s hard to do without someone to do it with, but the bf is talking more and more about giving it a try (especially after seeing Fat Sick and Nearly Dead with me last week). Hats off to you, and happy juicing!
i have tried wheatgrass juice and can’t understand the taste.