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Well this morning I laced up my old running shoes, like I said I would.
I kinda jog/ran/walked/sprinted the 2.56 miles but I did it!
Now, I have no problems walking for miles, miles and hours on end.
I love to walk, check out different things around me and just enjoy ‘getting away’.
Running is totally different.
Flashback to 30 years ago (yep, that long ago!) I ran the 600 yard ‘dash’ in 1.39
(the only reason I know this exact time is because the PE Coach gave me a note with it since it was the first time I beat my brother in the 600 yd. and I still have the note!)
IF I could keep that pace for a mile, it’d be just over a 4 minute mile.
Though I never could keep that pace.
I was running 6 minute miles (and probably a bit under that at some point though, would have to call and ask my dad for sure on that)
Fast forward 30 yrs to the age of 43 this morning!
5:45 a.m. — laced up my old running shoes, put on my Spibelt (great for keys, cell phone) and hit the pavement.
It’s still dark, cool out at that time of day.
Not a lot of traffic or noise other than handfuls of people off to work that early.
It felt great running/jogging with walking breaks in between.
I can tell I’m not the teen runner I was before, that’s for sure!
This mornings time well, let’s just say this…I didn’t even time myself!
Mainly because I knew it’d take longer than I’m willing to accept.
This morning I just wanted to experience the free feeling and make sure I could still run.
(I did start running a year or so ago, and quit –again)
So, this time I’ll keep running,
knowing that I’ll get back to a time that would be acceptable to me.
Some have suggested different music, etc. to keep pace and continue running.
That probably works for most people, but I’m one of the ‘weird’ ones who cannot have ANYTHING in my ears.
Yes, that means I have no bluetooth, wireless and cannot listen to ipod!
Something about it just creeps me out.
So, while I run I just take in whatever is going on around me…
think about my ultimate goal
think about my day
talk to God
and then next thing I know I’m home.
I don’t like ‘structure’, so not sure I can totally go by Couch to 5K but I may use as a guideline.
Right now I’m just going to go by how I feel and what I can accomplish on a daily basis and go from there.
My ultimate goal is to get back to running no more than a 6.30 minute mile, doing a few 5K’s and then half marathon from there.
Will I accomplish that?
Certainly plan on it…
and will be blogging about my progress as I go along my way!