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Looking around here this weekend and with things that have been going on, I realized…
I really love fitness…(well DUH right?!)
Which I knew before but some of my actions seem (to others anyhow) a bit odd
So, today’s post….
You know you love fitness when…
The majority of your wardrobe consists of yoga clothes, athletic wear, sports bras
You wear said wardrobe out in public often and consider it to be your main style
You sell your dining room table to make room to do yoga since your living room isn’t really wide enough…
then find a treadmill on sale on Craigslist that you can’t pass up and lug it up 3 flights of stairs and now is used in what used to be dining room, then yoga area.
You list your bed & mattress for sale so you can turn bedroom into fitness room!
One pitfall of renting a stupidly small 2/2 condo…but hey I usually sleep on floor or couch anyhow…
so sell the bed/mattress and move the BallBike, the treadmill, and the trampoline into the bedroom/fitness room!
You have more than one or even two yoga mats…
and some more…
and perhaps another one or two along with a meditation cushion and acupressure mat
I won’t mention the 6ft round yoga mat that’s under the bed because there’s no place else to put it!
oppps I did just mention it….
You have variety of videos, jump ropes, kettlebells, dumb bells just laying around amongst your cork yoga blocks
You have a container full of balance pods, balls, resistance bands & tubing and other goodies
You experience giddy euphoria when asked to demo or review a new fitness gadget
You’re trying to figure out how to get to 2012 Fitness & Health Bloggers Conference because it’s a must go to and even better yet..it’s held the one time of the year I could feasibly go…summer, when I could leave Christa with someone, enabling me to actually go, and I could also visit a Central Dallas med spa to get some treatment for weight loss.
Alas, though there’s the issue of ohhhhh about $1000 between registration, hotel, air fare…
No, I have no family to ask for help — was recently cut off from them so it’s me & my daughter and an occasional visit with my son & his baby girl (yea I’m a grandmother now), my ex’s family IS my own family at this point)
And, y’all remember I’m single…no BF or hubby…
So here’s the shameless plea…anyone (company, brand, individual who wants to sponsor any part of this or make a donation for any part of this would be most greatly appreciated!)
-I need airfare (via SouthWest preferably since they have nonstop flights and easy schedule that works perfectly for event!) which is around $400 round trip
-The hotel is $99 night for 3 nights.
-The registration is $250 for me.
If your company/brand would like to sponsor me, email me. I will give you massive amounts of coverage on this blog, along with Twitter, along with 2 Facebook pages and Pinterest and other sources as well.
Or if you just want to help with a donation….
You can donate via the button here
You have extra sweat towels in the car in case you decide to go for a run or a playground workout.
You really want to head a head gear camera to video some of your runs, trail rides, etc.
You have goals and plans for your herniated disc treatment sarasota fl that involve fitness related aspirations.
Question of the day
Do you love fitness? yoga? running? lifting?
Do you own more workout clothes than regular street clothes?
when you would buy a NEW! BIKE! over taking a vay cay
soooo there with you Miz…
and trying to schedule a vacay that’s a fitness one!!!
or choosing a fitness conference or get away instead over something else…
Good luck. I hope you are able to make it to Denver for the conference.
I have another one for you… When you are planning on having another kid around your summer triathlon schedule.
I love fitness. period. I love lifting and I’m really, really enjoying Yoga right now! I love biking too. I love a lot of things
Two years ago I didn’t even own running shoes. My workout apparel will soon (if not already) take the lead when coming up against my street wear!
LOL – fun post. I did something similar on Friday. At least you know others can relate!
You know you love running when…you plan your life arounds your runs, including vacations to places where you can run a race while you are there!
I must love fitness too, as I’ve either used or own almost all the equipment you mention. But I love my bed and would never sell it.
OH MY GOODNESS! I need your home gym! I am so jealous!
WOW that is an impressive collection lady. I am way jealous. And also justifying all the new toys I want to buy
Found myself nodding on just about everything lol That is why we remodeled the garage into a home gym. Also found myself saying ohh I want one of those and Oh I need that (a yoga mat) ha!
Hope you can get to the conference. I wanted to go but I’ll be traveling to BlogWorld in NYC and that is going to break me and then some yikes! Over $1000 for a 4 day trip.
Great post! I need to get our home gym on video soon.