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Of course exercise also plays a part but you can’t out workout a poor diet!
Make sure you’re eating healthy, whole foods.
If you need help with this, hire a coach!
Question of the day
What are your daily food habits like?
Yes! SO TRUE! When I was eating a lot of processed foods and drinking diet soda, I just felt like crap. Even though I was working out and maintaining my weight. Now that I eat more natural, real foods I feel a million times better.
this is true in SO MANY WAYS. it speaks to me especially so right now. something I’m eating is seriously messing with everything. My energy, my stomach, my workouts. It can seriously mess with ALL aspects of you. pinned!
they are awesome

as YOU know too we can get away with lots more…stuff when we be younger
Miz, oh soooooooooooooo true…
When younger I could eat anything & everything
now well ummmmmmmmmmmmmm yea
This so SO true!
You can’t be more right, Tara. Diet is 70% of the total body transformation equation
Yes! SO TRUE! When I was eating a lot of processed foods and drinking diet soda, I just felt like crap. Even though I was working out and maintaining my weight. Now that I eat more natural, real foods I feel a million times better.
this is true in SO MANY WAYS. it speaks to me especially so right now. something I’m eating is seriously messing with everything. My energy, my stomach, my workouts. It can seriously mess with ALL aspects of you. pinned!
So true!!!