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Before the PlankPolice come looking for me today…
Benefits of plank: Strengthens your core & spine, tones abs, strengthens the arms & wrists
There are different variations of plank pose as well…(you can find some in the links below)
Here’s my measly barely over a minute plank.
What I’m wearing in video:
glasses ewwwwwwwwwwww
Alo Clothing shorts and Fila SpaceDye tank
But, at least I did it…
Even though I was totally not in the mood to do it or my run…
I still did, though my form was off….
Last night around 1130 I tweeted
This morning I got up and eye is still bloodshot and hurts, thus the glasses
When I wear glasses it totally throws me off kilter.
(yes, I’m using that as my excuse!)
I just was not into my run this morning nor plank; however, I did it so I’m glad of that.
I’d have felt like crap if I had just succumbed to my lack of motivation.
So, even though you may not want to workout and just aren’t feeling it, DO It ANYWAY…
You won’t regret it!
Here are some great videos and info from some fellow FitFluential Ambassadors and their plank moves!
Planks: Beginning to Intermediate from Alexandra & Kymberly along with 3 advanced planks.
And from BexLife, one of many plank posts
Question of the Day
Do you still do something that you’re really not in the mood to?
Tara: I so hear you about the glasses vs contacts. I wore contacts for years until I got a combo virus, fungus, bacterial infection in my eye (yes, all at once. Darn that water tubing in Costa Rica!). So it’s glasses for me now. The transition was weird for my distance and balance. I gotta say though that you look pretty darn cute in that video!
Great job with the plank! I need to jump on the #plankaday bandwagon! This mama’s core could use some major work!
Sorry about your eye… I used to be a contact lens wearer… until my contacts ultimately gave me a corneal ulcer… now I am 95% the time glasses wearer.
Sorry about the eye! What a pain! I have to say, you look strong holding that plank!
Ouch! Sorry about your eye! Hope it heals soon. Love that quote – so true!