Ready to take on a new week?
It’s Motivation Monday
We all have different factors that motivate us…
wanting to accomplish more
the desire to overcome
the drive to reach a goal
wanting to be better
wanting to prove to ourselves we can do something
wanting to prove to others that we can do what they say/think we cannot!
wanting to annoy those who talk smack and try to belittle others efforts
Yes, anger can be used as a motivator.
It’s not healthy to be angry so you may as well use it (and be done with it)
It’s not good to hold onto anger…eventually it’ll just eat you up and destroy you…
instead, hit the gym, get a run in, do yoga…
get rid of the anger and use it to drive you!
Question of the day
What gets you motivated?
intersting question as for fitness it’s my child.
for work
all else
it’s something internal….something I cant yet name beyond the drive to help others be what *I* already know they can be.
Money and a good old competition are motivators for me.
Ohh this is so thought provoking! I have to say that I can use anger as a motivator sometimes, or even fear as a motivator. But most of the time? I’m motivated by wanting to live my best life now – pure and simple. Fear and anger have a place / role in that too, it’s just more minor than the other stuff that motivates me lately.
Not going to lie. I have used anger and such to motvate me before. It does work.
I have used hatred towards me to make myself better, I think its a great motivator. I love proving people wrong!
I think it is healthy to use anger but only if its to work through it not dwell on it. An example is hitting the treadmill after a bad day at work or a fight with your spouse. You use that emotion to push through the workout and in turn get rid of the stress and hostility so you can go back to the situation with a clear mind and a more resolution focused attitude.
I’m motivated by the mere fact I know I’m working towards a healthier, stronger me!
I’m just sick and tired of being fat. In addition to my father’s health problems that could have been prevented if he’d have started at my age… and knowing that as ideal as it would be to say that fat people get the same treatment as skinny people when it comes to auditions, it’s just not true.
I know when I am healthy (eating and moving)…
– I am less prone to depressions
– More positive
– More energetic
– Better at concentrating on what matters.