Today’s Fitspo Feature is Cara Lyons
You can follow her on @carascravings on Twitter
You’ll find her at CarasCravings on Facebook
Her blog is
For those on Pinterest she’s also CarasCravings
Cara is also a contributor to Clean Eating Magazine!
She’s the primary recipe developer and photographer for their e-newsletter (providing 2 recipes/month, exclusive to the newsletter and not available in the magazine.)
You can subscribe to the newsletter here.
She has also written features for the print magazine as well.
Q: Have you always lived a healthy fit lifestyle?
No. I was obese for all my childhood and teenage years. Blame it on genetics, never being taught portion control, and lack of physical activity (I wasn’t interested in sports, and my parents never pushed me.) I began exercising sporadically as an older teen, but it wasn’t until my early twenties that something clicked and I became determined to develop a healthy lifestyle. I came across an article one day that taught me about pregnancy risks associated with obesity and the greater likelihood of having obese children. I was years away from even thinking about having children, but I knew right then that I didn’t want to hurt my chances, and more so, I didn’t want my future children to grow up overweight like I did. I had also began dating my now-husband, and I already loved him enough to know that I wanted be around a long, long time with him our family. Not just to be present, but to be active and able to enjoy everything life had to offer us. I knew I couldn’t prevent disease, but I could certainly increase my chances of staying healthy the earlier I adopted a healthy lifestyle focusing on fitness and better food choices. All of that became my motivation to get active, make better choices, and ultimately reach a healthy weight.
Q: What keeps you going, motivated?
Besides all of the above? Knowing that I can always get better and stronger, there are no limits. The feeling of achievement when breaking a personal record in the gym or creating the most satisfyingly delicious and healthy meal. Realizing that I can be inspiration to others, both close and far.
Q: What is your favorite workout?
I love to lift weights. You’ll find me with the boys, I’m pretty much the token girl in the squat rack at my gym. I gave running a shot and even completed a half marathon, but later figured out that I like my body better when I’m focusing on lifting heavy things. I look better and I can eat more – win!
Q: What are some of your goals?
Currently I’d like to bench press my weight, deadlift twice that, and do 10 chinups. I’ve been saying the last one for two years and can’t seem to get there. Maybe this will be my year!
Q: What are some of your accomplishments or things you’re proud of?
Number one, losing 75lbs and keeping it off. Number 2, the success of my blog. And I don’t just mean hits or income or anything like that; believe me, those are nothing to brag about. When I started blogging I never dreamed I’d be able to help people. Now, when I get sweet comments or emails from readers about how my recipes have gotten them out of a food rut or helped them lose weight, I feel accomplished. I also feel a tremendous amount of pride for getting to work with Clean Eating Magazine. That’s an outcome I never would have imagined!
Q: What is one random fact we should know about you?
People assume I married my high school sweetheart. That would be impossible because I didn’t have one (I was not only fat, but tremendously awkward and shy!) My husband and I are from the same town, went to the same high school and same college, and did all the same activities. We knew all the same people, just not each other. We met later through an online dating site. I am a big proponent of online dating and encourage everyone who’s looking to try it!
Q: What words of advice would you like to leave the readers?
Find your motivation not in a number on the scale or a certain jeans size, but in the people around you. Life is short, but you have the tools to make it lasting and meaningful. Don’t miss out on future moments because of bad decisions in your youth. Change things now, while you can. Make it a life long commit. This is what works for me, and I hope it will for you too.
great feature! loved learning more about cara!
congrats on your weight loss succes! and the success of your blog! that’s definitely something to be proud of!
So excited to see your name in Clean Eating! My absolute fav magazine!
Congrats on maintaining an amazing weight loss and becoming an inspiration to others.
Congrats on your success! And I had to comment because hubby and I have a similar back story. We even played in the same park as wee ones and didn’t meet until years later online. He even hung out at the diner I worked in, but never on a night I worked. When it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be!
Take care and than you!
Wow, Cara is so adorable. What a success story.
I love how small the world is – you met your hubbie online but had so many previous chances to meet up.