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Eating healthy is important duh, like you don’t already know that
If you eat healthy, it can:
increase your productivity
gives you more energy
help lower risk of disease
makes you stronger
overall improvement in health (physical & mental)
5 Tips to How To Eat Healthy
1) No packaging — if it comes in packaging, don’t eat it.
2) Eat as close to nature — which goes along with #1 but if you fail at that then at least this is the next step. Eat foods in their natural form. Organic is even better for some foods, some you don’t have to focus on whether or organic or not.
3) “Fat Free” and “Sugar Free” do not equate to healthy eating. Ignore these items and eat healthy fats which the body does need to function properly. Instead of sugar free which usually means chemical crap Splenda (Sucralose), find natural alternatives if you don’t want to eat sugar.
4) Eat whole foods…unprocessed and unrefined foods (yes, kinda goes along with #1 and #2 see a pattern here?)
5) Eat appropriate portions. We live in a super size society. Practice portion control or eat until your hunger is satisfied, not til you’re stuffed.
There you have it, it’s really not that difficult to eat healthy and why wouldn’t you want to have a healthier lifestyle?!
Question of the day
How do you eat healthy?
Amen to each of these! They are the only food guidelines I try to focus on now. As wholesome as possible with a balance of different types of foods. Don’t need to complicate things much more than this. Great post!
Love these tips! It’s amazing how much better you feel overall when you eat healthier :). I try to eat healthy most of the time, but sometimes I just allow myself to splurge!
I love this tip: “Eat foods in their natural form.” I try to do that as often as possible!
I try to follow the tips above but I am still working on stopping many of the BAD cravings I still have for junk. It’s a process and since I don’t cook it’s even harder BUT I vow to change that this year. I am going to try to cook at least twice a week for us so I’m on a mission to find easy meat free recipes.
I definitely feel better after eating a nice healthy meal!
Angie, I’m going to be adding more vegetarian and vegan (meatless) recipes over at http://www.recipesforeatingwell.com
and YES it is a process…one step at a time
Thanks Tara! The spinach black bean lasagna looks and sounds yummy.