As a customer you have a responsibility to yourself, along with accountability. If you go to the store or do your shopping online, you're the one purchasing the product or service. You're the one who's going to take the item to the register or hit "add to cart" or "buy now" and continue to checkout. Let's use the store as first example: You find what you want, you see the … [Read more...] about Responsibility when ordering…
Cries & pleas for help in business
If you belong to any wahm groups, forums, networks I'm sure you've seen what I'm talking about. Many think it's "professional" or "business like" to cry out and beg and plea for donations (be it money or orders) to keep their business afloat. This can range from the cries of "help me meet my quota before I get deactivated", "order from me so Johnny can go to camp" to … [Read more...] about Cries & pleas for help in business
Lying, scamming so called fundraising people
Well, don't you just love when a company calls your cell phone, wastes your time and your minutes to try to scam you out of your money...and all in the name of the Police Athletic League. I suppose there are suckers born every day but I'm not one of them. Had a male call from 786-363-2770 but he's not really at that number, nope..he's actually calling from 608-260-8818 … [Read more...] about Lying, scamming so called fundraising people
One second…
Did you know that one second can really add up. In a preteen life it can actually equate to about 3600 real seconds or an hour for those who don't want to do the math. When a preteen says "one second" be prepared to wait for more than a second. You know the need to get going, have places to go, things to do and your preteen is slowly getting ready. You tell … [Read more...] about One second…
Lack of common sense & courtesy could be scary!
For the second time in two days I've had to go rescue idiot contractors from my doberman. What happened to common sense, not to mention common courtesy when entering someone's yard? I mean seriously, contractors for the phone and cable companies park their trucks then they put out the safety cones around their vans but yet they don't take the two seconds to knock on the door … [Read more...] about Lack of common sense & courtesy could be scary!
When working as an independent distributor, rep, consultant
According to the word independent means: working for oneself or for a small, privately owned business. not relying on another or others for aid or support. not subject to another's authority or jurisdiction; autonomous; free: an independent businessman. However; in the direct sales business world, independent should really mean something more … [Read more...] about When working as an independent distributor, rep, consultant
Tmobile & excellent customer service
Wow a cell phone company who repeatedly excels in great customer service. I'm impressed...again. See, the other day my cell phone decided it wanted to venture off into the big yonder via the easiest exit...the toilet. Well, I did get it out and YES the water was clean toilet water before I snatched my wonderful phone from the water only to discover that no matter how much … [Read more...] about Tmobile & excellent customer service
Desperation: desperate cries for sales.
des·per·a·tion [des-puh-rey-shuhn] –noun 1. the state of being desperate or of having the recklessness of despair. 2. the act or fact of despairing; despair. Ok this probably won't set well with some but it has to be said. We've all seen the ads and postings on forums, yahoogroups and network arenas where someone is practically begging for sales and/or parties. You … [Read more...] about Desperation: desperate cries for sales.
Kiva ~ Loans that change lives
You can make a life changing difference in someone's life today. You can lend money to an entrepreneur who is in need. Kiva's mission is to connect people through lending for the sake of alleviating poverty. Kiva is the world's first person-to-person micro-lending website, empowering individuals to lend directly to unique entrepreneurs in the developing world. I wanted … [Read more...] about Kiva ~ Loans that change lives
Compassion International and Brant of WayFM
On WayFM radio that I normally listen to online or in the car, the morning show host along with I believe his son and son's friend, are currently in Thailand visiting different areas and different "camps". They're doing an awesome thing with Compassion International and are getting sponsors for children in Thailand. Compassion International has children in need all over but … [Read more...] about Compassion International and Brant of WayFM