Did you know that one second can really add up.
In a preteen life it can actually equate to about 3600 real seconds or an hour for those who don’t want to do the math.
When a preteen says “one second” be prepared to wait for more than a second.
You know the drill…you need to get going, have places to go, things to do and your preteen is slowly getting ready.
You tell her it’s time to go and you get the “one second” response.
You may as well sit back and do something…laundry, dishes, work, make a few phone calls, answer a few emails, blog about something 😉
Because, you see, if you rush and constantly remind them that it’s time to go, you’ll get more of the “one second” response and when you remind them that “one second” is “one…mississippi…time’s up” they’ll get all frazzled and you’ll waste even more time explaining that and or listening to the “one second” offender explain how lame the “one mississippi two mississippi” way of counting really is.
In a mere 24 hours there are 86,400 real seconds. In a preteen life there are apparently closer to 311,040,000 “seconds” if we were to apply their “one second” equals an hour (if not more!)
Where can I get some of the preteen seconds, then I’d be ahead of schedule and have no problem getting everything done that I need to get done!
With that said, I’m going to go do a few work related things now as I’ve still got about a “half second” til the “one second” is up, so I guess I’ll be leaving in about 30 mins!
This is sooo true. I’m going through that with my preteen and he’s driving me up the wall. What a great blog entry!