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If you belong to any wahm groups, forums, networks I’m sure you’ve seen what I’m talking about.
Many think it’s “professional” or “business like” to cry out and beg and plea for donations (be it money or orders) to keep their business afloat.
This can range from the cries of “help me meet my quota before I get deactivated”, “order from me so Johnny can go to camp” to “paypal me some money to pay for my hosting before my site is taken down”.
Or the bribes of “if you order from me, I’ll give you….”
or “if you paypal me, I’ll give you a lifetime banner ad”.
Hmmm that one’s always interesting because what exactly is a ‘lifetime’?
Is it a week, a month or? Because reality, if they’re out begging to get money now won’t they be doing the same thing next month? So “lifetime” could be til next month or if you get lucky a few months from then.
Wow, you’re a business owner and you don’t have $4/month for hosting your site? Perhaps it’s time to think about a different business.
Nobody will take you seriously when you’re out begging for donations. Who would even consider doing business with a person who obviously isn’t ‘making it’.
Why not market your business, promote your business and spend time generating clientele rather than begging for free handouts and ruining your reputation.
I have a daughter who needs dental work done and I’d like to buy a house but you don’t see me crying for free hand outs.
C’mon, as Niecy Nash of Clean House says “time to take a big girl pill” so wahms do just that take your big girl pill and be professionals.