I'm "borrowing" this from my friend, Laurie Ayers. "Some entrepreneurs just have problems working for other people. They have more confidence in their own judgment than that of others, and bristle at authority. They have reached a point in their life where they want to be the beneficiary of their own hard work, which is understandable. Entrepreneurship can become a way of … [Read more...] about Entrepreneur Quote
Wordless Monday: Purple Flower
This is a photo of a purple flower taken by Photography by Christa (my DD) at Miami Metro Zoo in the Aviary … [Read more...] about Wordless Monday: Purple Flower
What’s in your name
This site was posted on ClassyChics and had to share with y'all what "Tara" means... anyone think it sounds a bit like me? What Tara Means You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life. You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home. You are … [Read more...] about What’s in your name
I love these two quotes about entrepreneurs! Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage. — Niccolo Machiavelli: was an Italian renaissance writer The entrepreneur is not really interested in doing the work; He is interested in creating the way the company … [Read more...] about Entrepreneur’s
People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them. ~G.B. Shaw, Mrs. Warren's Profession, 1893 ~*~*~*~*~ I love that quote. Lately it seems more and more people are complaining … [Read more...] about Circumstances
Gyms and women
Ok, I recently joined a new gym, after being out of the gym scene for waaaaaaaaay too many years. It was a toss up between one that is co-ed and an all females. Now I'm wondering if I made the right choice :( I opted for the all women gym because this way I could go in, work out, be left alone and have no bothers. Ya know, ipod earphones in just minding my own biz, doing my … [Read more...] about Gyms and women
Gas purchase capped at $75!
What gives? Storm preparation people always tell you to make sure your cars have gas and you have gas for generators, etc. I just got back from the gas station and they maxed me at $75 worth of gas. I had one car to still put gas in and 3 more gas cans to fill for backup for generator and they topped me off at $75. Had to finish, then go back in and have son pay for more gas … [Read more...] about Gas purchase capped at $75!
School shopping vs storm preparation shopping
They're both horrendous acts that nobody should have to do, much less on the same day! It's bad enough to have to go to the mall with the masses of people who it seems many aren't partial to bathing before they go out in public but then to dodge the fake smiling women attempting to spray you with their chemical migraine inducing 'perfume' as you walk into any main department … [Read more...] about School shopping vs storm preparation shopping
Accountability & responsibility when working as an independent consultant
There are many people who are independent consultants, reps, distributors (whatever you want to call yourself, you're all in the same category). You all work for a company selling their products and/or services for commissions. In being an "independent" that means your income is based on your effort. This also means that you must know what's going on within the company and … [Read more...] about Accountability & responsibility when working as an independent consultant
OMG this is enlightening. I was just reading Positively Green Magazine and read about John Cusack and this site at 3trillion.org where you can spend $3Trillion on whatever you want. Like the magazine article says, it's harder to do than you think but yet George Bush did...it's the projected cost of the Iraq war according to Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz and … [Read more...] about 3Trillion.org