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Wellness can pertain to more than just your physical body…
It can relate to your mind (stress, balance) and your bank account…
Most of us know that if we have no funds we get stressed which can create more havoc in our emotional and physical wellness.
Even dictionary.com defines wellness as
the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.
When all areas are healthy we function better and life seems to move along smoother.
We’re able to handle stressful situations with ease, overcome hurdles and enjoy life more.
Creating balance isn’t the same for everyone…
You have to find what works best for you…
making sure that the emotional, physical, financial areas of your life are taken care of.
This could mean spending more time exercising, meditating, getting a new job, delegating some tasks to someone else so you can relax…
Question of the day
How do YOU create balance in your life?
What is your personal definition of wellness?
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