I was a kettlebell virgin until I received the RKS (Reinhardt Kettlebell System).
This set came complete with a 15 pound kettlebell, workout poster for my wall so I can learn the different moves, a nutrition guide, exercise calendar and the 16 workout dvd set (which is packed in this mega cool ‘book’).
See what I mean, it’s this thick heavy duty book that houses the DVDs in it.
On the shelf it looks like a big ole’ book!
I likey!
The DVDs are great…
They have a warm up, 2 workouts and a cool down on each one.
There’s also an instructional DVD showing you how to do every exercise (which was a HUGE bonus for me since this was the first time ever touching a kettlebell so it came in handy big time).
Each workout is only 30 minutes or less, making it ideal for those who claim they have no time to work out!
There are also 4 Doug Challenge workouts included…(I cannot do the snatch one — but I’m getting there)
I enjoyed the workouts because the DVDs are easy to follow.
There are verbal instructions as well as directions on the screen as to what you’re going to do and how many of them, etc.
It was easy enough for me to comprehend (I have mentioned in the past I’m easily confused when different body parts are doing different things at same time, right? Which is why you’ll never see me in Zumba or stuff like that!)
You can see some of the Success Stories showing others progress with RKS.
I want to thank RKS for allowing me to do this review and I’m sure I’ll be tweeting and posting more updates as I progress more with this!
And, now thanks to RKS you can win your own RKS Kettlebell Workout DVD Series!
You can get 10% off your order by using the coupon code save10 and for the month of December there is FREE Shipping too!
Enter to win the RKS Kettlebell Workout DVD Series
Retail Value: $119.97
Contest open until Dec 19, 2011 11:59 p.m.
Winner will be announced on Dec 20, 2011 via email.
Contest only open to the US
Mandatory Entry
Visit www.rksworkout.com and come back and comment with something you learned.
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For each thing you do here, you must put it in a new comment for it to count as an entry.
Please do not combine things you do or it’ll only count as one entry in the contest.
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– Disclaimer: Tara Burner has personally reviewed the product(s) listed above. Tara has not received any monetary compensation for her review on this blog. Free product was received by Tara so she could experience it for the review. Tara’s opinions are honest and unbiased. Tara is not responsible for shipping or the delivery of any prize.
I learned the following: That Kettleball other than the growing popularity it works the ENTIRE body and trains you to integrate your breathing, movement and alignment. With the Kettleball training and worked with Yoga, think it can do amazing things to your body. The breathing techniques will even help you more to become a better yogi.
And from a personal standpoint, I saw this woman who took a kettle ball class who was a bit overweight and my age. IN about 4 weeks I saw a significant difference in her face, posture and confidence. I want that to be me
I learned that the kettleball doesn’t just focus on one muscle at a time – instead, it targets a number of muscle grows at the same time!
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Great post!
Kettlebells are totally on my list to try. I can run forever but my strength sucks! I learned that they originated in Russia!
Tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/beana619/status/144886391720001536
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I want the kettlebell system so I can become strong and ultimately a faster runner
Learned that Owen, the instructor, is NOT the guy on the website front page. Owen is also an RKC.
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I didn’t know that the kettle balls also helped with balance and alignment
I would love to win this as I need to tone for my wedding
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Learned that theres a LOT more to do with a kettle than the ONE exersize I know!! Would love to win there for a new at home workout!!
I like that it comes in Girly colors like Pink!!!! that is fun!
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I learned that the RKS 30-minute training program only uses one kettlebell, making it the most versatile, well-rounded, completely portable gym anywhere.
I also commented on the Oregon Dukkah and Vibrant Flavors review and giveaway blog post.
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They make kettlebells as heavy as 70lbs!!
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I’d love to win this for my husband. I would use it as well, but my husband has a hard time sticking to working out, and this is something he could do at home and add variety to his workouts.
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