We’ve all probably done this…
eat without really consciously thinking about the food
just mindlessly eating inhaling food…
not giving it any thought
not savoring it
not even realizing how much we ate
Tips on eating healthier, better and being mindful of what and how much you’re eating:
Put all your food on your plate before you start to eat (don’t nibble off the actual food, serving plates prior)
Leave serving dishes in kitchen (don’t place all food out on dining table), except vegetables or fruit
Don’t eat directly from the package
Stay away from buffet tables
Don’t eat off of other people’s plates or pick at your child or spouse’s plate
Use small plates and bowls
Try to eat 20% less than what you think will fill you
Don’t eat in front of the TV, at your desk or computer, or in the kitchen
Pick any two: appetizer, alcohol, or dessert
Eat healthy items first
Use nutrition labels, paying attention to the serving size listed. Consider the facts; don’t guess at how many calories you’re eating.
If you find you can’t do this on your own, enlist the aid of a coach to help you.
Question of the day
Do you pay attention to what you eat?
Do you eat at the table or on the go?
One of my personal food rules is that I do not eat unless I am sitting down!
I pay attention to what I eat, but it seems like I fight with myself before eating it though. All too often, I end up giving in and eating it thinking “Might as well….”
And I definitely need to start keeping healthier foods around instead of what’s “quick and easy.”