Many people deal with emotional eating, giving into their cravings, over eating and other eating issues.
Ponder this for a brief moment before eating something that would be an indulgence, is one minute (if that long) of pleasure worth undoing the effort you’ve already put in?
Consider this, an average serving of chocolate cake with frosting is about 340 calories.
If you are a 150 pound woman, you can burn about 340 calories in 30 minutes on the Elliptical machine.
If that same woman was to do yoga, she’d only burn about 135 calories in a half hour so she’d have to do yoga for almost 90 minutes.
That same 150 pound woman would have to jog for about 45 minutes to burn off that one piece of chocolate cake.
Is it worth it?
Only you can decide.
If you can’t do it alone, consider hiring a coach or finding a support system via a positive friend.
But, you can do it!
I’m not saying don’t enjoy food, perhaps instead of devouring the entire piece of cake, have a bite of it (which is hard if you’re an emotional eater, because you may just keep going).
If you’re having cravings and desiring foods that you know can sabotage your efforts, stay away from them…
don’t bring them in your house, stay away from parties/functions that may entice you.
If you know you can’t do without or may be in a situation where you will consume something you normally wouldn’t, allow for that.
Work out for an additional 30 minutes that day, eat lightly and less calories prior (and no this isn’t the healthy way of doing things…I don’t want you to not eat nutrient dense healthy foods so you can splurge on sugar filled cake on a regular basis!)
You’ll be making sacrifices right now but know that the end results are worth it.