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Today’s Fitspo Friday…again and this one features Kymberly Williams-Evans, MA and Alexandra Williams, MA aka Fun and Fit
I luv these twins!
They’re fellow FitFluential Ambassadors and great friends to boot!
Check these two out on their Fun and Fit website and blog
Fun and Fit radio show http://funandfit.org/fun-fit-radio/
@AlexandraFunFit on Twitter
Facebook: FunAndFitKymberlyAlexandra
@KymberlyFunFit on Twitter
A few awards:
Shape.com Top 10 Inspirational Fitness Facebook fan pages you will love
Best Ever You 25 Best Fitness and Nutrition Experts to Follow on Twitter
Kymberly’s MA is in English; Alexandra’s MA is in Counseling
We have both been certified by ACE, the American Council on Exercise
We are columnists for AAA-Westways Magazine and Noozhawk
We have been featured and syndicated as bloggers on numerous sites
We have hundreds of magazine and newspaper articles published about fitness
Q: When did you start living a healthy, fit life and why?
Kymberly: I started exercising before the words “baby boomer” existed. Our mom taught dance, so we started lessons and stage performances at 4 years old. Then we took up soccer the first year girls were allowed to play in AYSO. We are two of five kids so I think our mom had a survival instinct that said “go outside and play.” Locking the door on us was a little much perhaps.
Then after college I was hired to teach at the first “aerobics” studio on the European continent. So I officially started working out when I started teaching. Yes, before the Berlin wall fell! Hey, fitness keeps us young!
Alexandra: My mom was a modern dance teacher, and has the blackmail pictures of me in a saggy leotard to prove that I started being active quite young!
Q: Why did you start teaching fitness?
A: Free travel. I had an offer to come teach in Berlin so I quickly learned a few 1980s aerobic moves, and took my leotards and legwarmers to spend a summer teaching in Europe. What kept me after that was the discovery that I could make money doing something really fun. And I truly do enjoy being with people. Way more than they enjoy being with me, but there you have it.
K: I used to look really good in aerobics gear and I knew how to make the most of the double leg warmer/ bandana look. Having only 42 pfennigs left to my name while living in West Berlin was pretty motivating, since the job I was perfect for was at the first fitness studio on the European continent. Plus the Berlin Fussball team I joined did not pay. I wore soccer cleats well too back in the day.
Q: Whose idea was it to start your Fun and Fit blog and radio show?
A: Kymberly’s. I was already fun. I was already fit. One day she came home with an “and” that was on sale and announced we were going to do a humorous fitness advice column together. I am still trying to figure out what she meant by “together.”
K: Mine, all mine as will be all the future big bucks and proceeds from this endeavor. Does that sound too humble or should I reword it?
Q: What keeps you going and motivated?
A: Genetics. I’m built like my dad, which means I will be fine as long as I exercise every single day until I die. Maybe longer. And the better I feel, the better I look because I radiate confidence. I want to get compliments about my massive hotness when I’m 80 (hey, we can all have our dreams, right?)
K: I love moving and I love the people I meet through exercise. Active people are fun, smart, energetic, positive, open, and long living!
A: Another motivator is I ask myself, “How can I embarrass my teen sons if I don’t stay one step ahead of them?”
K: I think of the effects on my brain and intelligence that exercise confers and that motivates me to giddy up, I want to be a mentally with-it older person one day. Heck, knowing how much exercise helps brain power, I am motivated to motivate my husband, daughter, and nephews to exercise as well. You can imagine how FUN I am at those moments. They love my helpful reminders.
Q: What is your favorite workout?
A: My absolute favorite workout is the one that someone else does. Why should I have to do all the sweating? But I love soccer, step and walking. Er, um, I don’t actually play soccer anymore, but I still have delusions of a fabulous soccer career! But as a group fitness instructor, I love workouts with music and people. Batuka Dance is my current favorite because I can dance and not look too dorky.
K: My favorite workout is Advanced Step with complex choreography and a skilled group fitness instructor. My second favorite workout is any power walk in beautiful scenery. My third fave is on a cardio machine with my headphones on watching “Dancing With the Stars.” My fourth favorite workout is the one I’ll be doing when DWTS calls Alexandra and me to appear as their first set of twin contestants! (Pick up the phone NOW DWTS people! How hard does a person have to hint around here?!)
Q: What are some of your goals?
K: To be on Dancing With the Stars as the first celebrity twin contestants.
A: To pay my bills, and get my eldest into a good college. And to get back the tiny waist I had before pushing out those big-headed babies. The first two are more realistic than that last one.
Q: What is one random fact we should know about you?
A: I am fairly good at baking bread. I wish I were excellent at it. I like teenagers.
K: A random tidbit is that I speak 5 languages, so don’t mess with me. Well, do mess with me as it will be fun. Languages: German, French, Spanish, English, Alexandrese (this last language is really a dialect and quite difficult to understand and appreciate).
Q: What words of advice would you like to offer readers?
A: My advice is to have realistic goals and just take things 1 step at a time. So many people think they have to do everything right away, and they end up in pain and discouraged. Don’t try to change everything at once; change one thing at a time. If you can’t live without Ben & Jerry’s “Americone Dream,” keep it. Change something else. That way you’ll be successful. And my grand finale…fitness is a lifestyle, not a diet. Why do something that has the word “die” in it?
K: Listen to my sister. She knows what she’s talking about. Oh, and come visit our website especially if you have a fitness question you’d like us to answer or an event you’d like us to speak at.
A bit about Fun and Fit: Twins and international fitness experts, Kymberly Williams-Evans, MA and Alexandra Williams, MA have been in the fitness industry since the first aerobics studio opened–with them–on the European continent and before leg warmers and thong leotards were the rage. They teach, write, edit, emcee and present their programs worldwide on land, sea and airwaves. Kymberly is former faculty for the Dept of Exercise and Sports Studies at University of California Santa Barbara: Alexandra is an editor and writer for IDEA, The Association for Health and Fitness Professionals, as well as on staff at UCSB. You can catch them on their Fun and Fit radio show aired online on womensradio.com, at events you hire them to speak or emcee at, and on their website funandfit.org.
Love these ladies! They DO make it fun and I love this interview to see them playing off each other. Go 80s aerobics girls!
love these 2 ! they are so fun!
Loved this post and getting to know you better!
Good morning Tara! Thank you again for profiling us for your Fitspo Friday. Well, thanks for profiling ME, at least. Alexandra kept trying to hog all the good interview words!