Welcome this week’s Fitspo Feature, Amanda Loudin!
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Stop by and check out her blog at misszippy1.com
Have you always lived a healthy, fit lifestyle?
No! I grew up in a time/place where girls didn’t really do much other than try to look pretty. In college, I was a pro at beer drinking, but did nothing fitness-wise. In my 20s I became a regular at the gym, and by my early 30s, I fell into triathlon. It was a definite journey of discovery and I do wish I had recognized earlier on how much health and fitness could fulfill me.
What keeps you going and motivated?
Quite simply, I love running and competing in races. I am always looking down the road to my next event and being the best that I can for it. This keeps me motivated to get out the door and get the training in.
What’s your favorite workout?
Because I come from a triathlon background, I still love combining sports for one long workout. My favorite is probably a 2,000-yd. swim followed by an hour-long run.
What are your goals?
This year, first and foremost, to avoid injury. I spent the majority of 2011 sitting on the sidelines injured. I am racing Boston this year and, even though I have so much time off, I’d like to pull out a respectable time. After that, fall racing season will find me shooting for PRs.
What are some of your accomplishments, things you are proud of?
Finding an activity that I love with all my heart tops the list. I think I am lucky that way. I’m also proud of the fact that I qualified for Boston in my first marathon, have qualified several times over, and have raced an Ironman.
Tell us a random fact about yourself
I spent a college summer in Costa Rica educating schoolchildren on dental hygiene. My Spanish speaking skills were so strong then, and now I can barely read or speak the language. If you don’t use it, you lose it!
Do you have any advice to offer to others?
Really, I think fitness comes down to finding that activity that does it for you. If going to the gym bores you, try an outdoor activity like running or cycling. If that doesn’t cut it, try kayaking, etc. Just keep going until you find your love. Once you’ve found it, you’ll never look back.
Im a long time LOVAH (ok fan :)) of MissZippy and really enjoyed this peek into who she is… the behind the run and into brain of the Zippy!
I have followed Miss Zippy for quite some time now. She is such an inspiration to me and so many others. Her writing is honest her words flow out of her with ease, which makes reading her blog so wonderful. Her advise is always spot on and above all she is brave enough to make herself vulnerable to her readers.. kind of like Oprah! haha I am a huge fan. Thanks for sharing her story.
LOVE the answer to what you’re most proud of!!! and how awesome about the studying in costa rica!
So inspirational!
i love misszippy and it’s not just the name amanda
Costa rica is wonderful! i had a great time there and would love an opportunity to spend extended time there, how neat!
Amanda is great! So much experience.
Great feature! I’ve been following her blog for awhile too, but didn’t know her background, pre-fitness days. Or the BQ on the first attempt. Love these stories!
So happy to meet you misszippy!
You are so right on about finding an activity you love! I feel bad for people who haven’t found their exercise passion yet!
Have a great weekend.