Starting the new week off with some musings…
I purged negativity & other stuff over the weekend.
Which led to life is to be enjoyed post and here I am contemplating…
I spent the better part of Sunday riding my bike (watching Supernatural-gee imagine!), thinking, and working on new projects.
Thoughts are swimming frantically in my brain…
I need to reel them in and keep the big ones, throw the little ones back.
I got rid of a few sites…
am contemplating the sale of another…
Feel the need to really downsize and focus.
Still trying to arrange to get my hair cut which ironically I think I decided on something that’s not even shown on that post! lol
I’m staying positive…everything will work out and only improve from this point forward!
“No great work has ever been produced except after a long interval of still and musing meditation”
~~ Walter Bagehot
On a side note…
Don’t forget to sign up for the Accomplished August Challenge
Totally free to sign up & get your 34 page workbook and chance to win some prizes (more are being added!)
oh, and if you love shoes…enter the Earth Footwear giveaway!
Question of the day
Do you spend time in meditation or prayer?
Are you living the life you really want?
I spend tons of time in prayer! I think it’s so important! Simplifying and prioritizing on what’s really important in life goes hand in hand with being physically/emotionally/mentally healthy! Keep smiling!! SPA love!!