Alright here goes…
I’m looking for something to do to my hair, I also checked Hair loss treatments for men why their hair is thicker and healthier. now that I finally found a Microblading Los Angeles clinic to do my eyebrows, I want to move on to my hair.
I did just dye it with a red tint, and now I am using the nutrafol products, you don’t know how fast your hair will grow.
I’m also waiting for my pink and purple dye to get here so I can do like the last 3″ or so in those two colors.
So, I’m giving myself plenty of time to deliberate over what I should do with my hair after that.
I cannot rush into anything or make quick rash decisions when it comes to my hair.
I like my, and most of the times I like to check the site to get some hairstyle ideas.
It’s long, it’s soft, it’s shiny.
It wasn’t always that way.
30+ years ago I barely had any hair, is easier for my children that they have a lot of hair, and they use Mielle Children’s Hair Vitamins to keep it even healthier, but I didn’t have that in my times.
Truth: I pulled most of my hair out at 13? because of stress and other issues.
So, now that it’s nearly waist long I have some anxiety about cutting lots of it off.
Though, I do know I need to do something…
So, help a girl out…
This is what I have to work with…
and the back…
First, let me explain something.
I fear cutting my hair…literally!
The last time I got it cut was 2 summers ago and the lady hacked off way more than she was supposed to.
The time before that was probably 4 yrs prior and same deal, stylist said she’d trim it and I ended up with hair that barely touched my shoulders!
Not cool!!!
Since then I trim my own hair!
Yep, you know put your hair in a pony tail and cut part of it or bend over at waist and cut it and if that fails then you ask your ex to just cut a straight line going across your back!
That’s how much I dread going to a salon.
Then after the butcher cut and dye job the igit did on Christa’s hair at Regis a few months ago, I really fear having anyone do anything to my hair! Also, please try and visit the best hair salons in nyc.
Of course in searching for possible best balayage soho hairstyles, I’ve discovered everything I like falls under Boho or Bohemian style…
go figure…
In the fashion world, bohemian, or boho, refers to a a state of mind regarding fashion that is individual, romantic, and free-spirited. This style is often called hippie-chic, or even hobo-chic.
Boho-chic doesn’t just mean flowy peasant skirts and flip flops, and messenger bags. An important aspect of bohemian style is individuality; this means embracing your own personality and expressing it through your fashion choices. Bohemian style may be described as a trend with certain looks to follow, but it’s really all about following your own inspirations.
So, what do I do?
I like my color so that’s not a factor here…
*update* perhaps I’m not ok with my hair color, Christa’s suggesting caramel blonde?…HELP me!
wish I could see these pics of blondes as brunettes but regardless based on style do any of these look like me
Kinda ironic that I can’t stand Serena as a character on Gossip Girl (at least in the season I’m on now via Netflix — and yes, I watch Gossip Girl!) but yet like this style…
source: pinterest
Originally I pinned this image because I want the dress…
now looking at it, I kinda like the hair too but still having anxiety issues with going shorter!
source: pinterest
Meanwhile a friend of mine suggested this hair style
source: pinterest
While I’m leaning more towards this one…
source: pinterest
And, I did just order purple haze & cotton candy pink from Manic Panic to dye the ends of my hair
Imagine this pic without the aqua and blonde…
source: pinterest
Yet, I do kinda maybe possible like this…
but, my hair isn’t naturally wavy and yes I know I can make it that way
alas…I’m a wash and go type of girl
I do not know how to use a blow dryer, flat iron or curling iron.
source: pinterest
perhaps this…
source: pinterest
or this…
and, yes I know IF I don’t like it, it’ll grow.
But danged, hair only grows 1/2 inch a month!
Y’all do remember how impatient I am right?!
*another update since original posting*
Maybe I’ll just GI Jane and shave it all off and then won’t have to worry about upkeep or anything else, I’ll just go to the Fort Worth studio to see what they can do, haha, no but seriously, I do want to go to this place!
I do not.will not.can not use a blow dryer or any other hair tool
So, what does a girl do who washes her hair and runs out the door…
Question of the day
what do you think I should do?!
Oh, I love trying to help people with their hair! Okay, so I don’t really know you well, but from what I can see/the vibe I get from your blog is that you’re very direct, a bit edgy, get-it-done attitude, and have a passion for what you do. Perhaps try to match that to your hair (weird idea, I know, but it seems to work – like perhaps layered with some angles/a bit piecey, nothing too fussy, but still has interest) Oh, and I get the whole afraid to cut your hair thing! I cried when I got my hair cut from almost hip length to collarbone a few years ago, so these might feel way too short for you to even consider, but here are some ideas I came up with (trying to take into account your nonuse of heat tools and lack of wave):
* (really really really short, I know)
Just some ideas
I wish I could offer some tidbit of “I can guarantee this will work and you’ll be in love” but I totally suck when it comes to hair/fashion/makeup etc. Case in point, my hair is longish and always in a ponytail, cut maybe once or twice a year and often forgotten to be brushed…Trust me…you don’t want my advice
hysterical Steph…I’m lucky if I brush mine at all! usually it’s wash and go…brush…hmmm something I rarely use
Kelly, Thanks!!! I think I had it almost like the 3rd pic years ago when the lady said she was going to trim it and ended up cutting off a good 10″!
I like the ‘look’ of some of those but think i’m more ‘beach/hippie’ wavy than ‘edgy’ but you did pretty much nail my personality
Your hair is naturally straight as photographed? Then most of those styles would require some iron work every day! All the model photos are beautiful and each would look beautiful on you. The best advice I can give is to not be afraid. Having had long hair for years and years, I chopped off 13 inches to donate, and I was CONVINCED that I would immediately begin growing it back, suffering through the short hair for a while, but it turned out that I liked it. Not only did it look kinda good, but it was SO easy to maintain. So don’t worry about not loving whatever it is. As you say, it’s just hair and it will grow back.
Good luck! Looking forward to seeing the new you
Well, If you are not unhappy with it then don’t change it. I personally like it like it is. I understand about no blow dryer, curling iron etc. I had been just blow dry the front and go. Now I just wash, brush and go. I have fewer ‘wing’ issues if I don’t blow dry it. But if you want a change, I like the one with the braid around the top. If you wanted you could add beads in the end of the braid. Just a though.
Oh, and I also like the ones you posted – the braid one and the Gossip Girl one especially. Maybe you could get a perm of some sort to give you loose waves? Whatever you end up doing, I’m sure it’ll look great!
i’d cut it shorter for sure. to maybe an inch or two below your shoulders with some long layers!
Why don’t you donate some to Locks of Love? That way the cut would be for a good cause and maybe lessen the anxiety. Both of my nieces just did it. Of course, your hair is so long that donating 10inches would still leave you with pretty long locks. I like your hair color…maybe just dye the ends like the pic above. Going any sort of blonde requires a ton of upkeep and it’s not cheap! Good luck
locks of love and the others want virgin hair…that’s why christa/i no longer donate…we used to…cant anymore..since both of us color/bleach…
maybe i’ll go GI Jane and shave it all off! problem solved!
I would cut it an inch or two. That way it’s not too drastic of a change but different. Good luck!!!
Don’t cut it too short. I just cut mine and I HATE it! It looks cute, but is a disaster for running. My opinion –
I’m feeling the ends dyed fun colors. If it’s a disaster, it’s only the ends, so you can cut them off and still have long hair. I love pink manic panic idea. I think that’s super cute and fun!
Mindy and Rachel…yep I’ve decided that I’m going with a looong layered style that way I keep my length other than a few inches and am considering lightening the entire hair color then doing my ends w/the pink and purple

there’s just no way I can go short!