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1.to rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleanse; purify.
2.to rid, clear, or free (usually followed by of or from ): to purge a political party of disloyal members.
3.to clear of imputed guilt or ritual uncleanliness.
4.to clear away or wipe out legally (an offense, accusation, etc.) by atonement or other suitable action.
5.to remove by cleansing or purifying (often followed by away, off, or out).
Synonyms: elimination, removal, clean up, excrete, dispose
While I was bulimic that’s in the past (though part of this post is about purging certain eating habits)
This is about purging other things…
negative thoughts, doubt, fear, people and things
It’s been a whirlwind of months here and after last week’s Allow Your Spirit and Vision To Soar meeting I’ve refocused!
While I’m normally positive and try to stay that way, I have my moments (as you’ve probably seen in my rants on Twitter).
I enjoy inspiring others but I do it realistically via my life and not sugar coating things but by being an example.
(Let your mess be your message type of process)
However, I’ve slipped and allowed myself to have more doubt & fear lately.
I have access to positive uplifting materials & messages at any time now and am staying focused on living in faith, staying positive, staying focused on what I want and want to accomplish and the life I want to live!
I also purged myself of people on Twitter, Facebook and in real life who were nay-sayers, negative and just not the type of people I want or need to be associating myself with.
I want to surround myself with positive, motivating, inspiring, loving, caring, real, genuine, authentic people!
My renewed outlook combined with rain yesterday led to some purging in this place.
I had shelves and shelves of books.
I read a book ONCE and that’s it.
So, why do I keep them?
But compliments of a friend and multiple freecycle’rs those books are gone.
Gone is the clutter, gone are the books I’ll never read again that were just sitting here.
Also gone is a storage shelf I had no use for, and some other random stuff that now can help other people!
It’s a win-win.
I got rid of things, people got things they need/want!
So yesterday was spent purging my office!
Today, I’m going to hit other areas I believe.
I don’t have a lot of things, yet do have some stuff random little things that I hold on to thinking I’ll use or that they’re worth something…
but it’s time to purge and create clear open space (I don’t like clutter and disorganization).
Next, I’ll be purging my eating habits that I’ve regressed to during the last few weeks.
See, moment of brutal honesty here (so what’s new about that on this blog though!)
About 6 weeks ago I was down to 123 on my way to my goal…
Then, as Joann (one of my best friends and techie partner) has repeatedly told me over the course of ohhh the last 7? yrs…(not that I didn’t already know this but it’s different when someone else tells you)…
I have a bit of a self destruct personality.
I was sooooo close to goal
I blew it!
and, yes you can gain weight eating healthy food!
I’m proof of that (multiple times in fact)
Now, I could have gone back to my binge and purge habits (bulimia) of the past…
But, I didn’t…
Evident by the fact that I’m now back to 133 pounds.
So, back to healthy eating habits and lacing up my shoes and running again (something I haven’t done in about 3 weeks!)
I will reach my goals!
So, purging the overeating, the emotional eating and getting back to it!
I’m starting with a fast…
I always have to put this out there since some of you know I’ve fasted anywhere from 7-90 days.
DO NOT fast without some type of supervision.
DO NOT do what I do!
I am NOT doing this to lose weight but to cleanse my body and mind of clutter.
When I fast, my body is cleaner as is my mind!
So, I’m purging myself of negative thoughts, self doubt, fear, lack, material things I don’t use, over eating, emotional eating, and basically anything and everything that doesn’t serve a purpose in my life or in my goals.
Question of the day
What do you need to purge in your life?
We all have some things in our life we need to purge – people/habits/clothes/stuff…thanks for the kick in the pants to get movin’ on this!
PURGING the toxic negative people here…
@Miz woot! that’s what I’ve done…I went on a purging spree online the night before last…and well in real life, some of those choices were made for me…which is kinda cool in itself…my parents (both sets) don’t talk to me by their doing and that’s fine with me! and I’ve pulled away from other toxic people in real life so it’s all good now!
I definitely need to purge the negative – starting with my own negative thoughts. Good for you for realizing what you need to do.
I’m fortunate not to have any toxic people in my life right now, well, one co-worker, but I avoid her. I sure have a lot of junk and clutter that could use purging, though.
I’m all for purging negativity! You have to action to take care of yourself. We are worth the effort