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This week has been crazy busy…
where to start?
Let’s start with the bad first…
Due to budget cuts I lost a big client
So, searching for more work…if you need or know anyone who needs help with PR, Social Media contact me!
Now for some fun…
days 26-27 of the April Photo A Day Challenge
Yes, I do in fact own a purse and I use the term loosely since it’s a tiny across body purse but a purse nonetheless
and my favorite place to go…
the sea wall at Castillo De San Marco in St. Augustine, FL
Now for my workouts this week
I honestly didn’t write them down so I have no clue what I did on what days…
But, I do know I did yoga 3 mornings
BallBike 4 times (some video’s below!)
Treadmill twice for 45 mins
RKS Kettlebell once
Brazil Butt Lift DVD once (I really need to be consistent with this)
Trampoline – twice
I did manage to get some video’s up of BallBike exercises as well as how to make fresh fruit ice cream
*Disclaimer* Since so many have emailed me and told me it’s not good to use exercise equipment barefoot…
Sorry, but I DO!
I can’t stand wearing shoes.
I wear my Keen trail shoes to run in, yoga sandals any time I have to go out in public where shoes are required; otherwise, I’m pretty much barefoot and that’d include on equipment.
I want the Fila Skeletoes then maybe, just maybe I’d wear those on my equipment.
BallBike Boxing
Special Bonus at the end…(if you happen to lust after Jensen Ackles & Supernatural like I do, you’ll appreciate it)
Made some fruit ice cream
Bounced around…Jump Jump Jump Around!
Announced the May Fitness Challenge and the most awesome sponsors (watch the video!)
Worked out at my desk
Intro’d you to the BallBike (and more workouts and a great offer will be coming up soon)
So, that’s my week…
Who knows what this soggy south Florida weekend holds…
Question of the day
What’d you do this week?
Goals for next week?
My husband only wears shoes to workout if he is on a public treadmill or running outside. Otherwise he does all his workouts barefoot, including Insanity. He was trained in martial arts since he was five and I think that has something to do with it. I sometimes try to do my workouts barefoot too though I find stability in shoes. That being said, most research today indicates the less shoe the better for any kind of workout so more power to you!
I love minimalist/barefoot shoes. I grew up barefoot 90% of the time (competitive gymnast) so I LOVE the freedom of bare feet. Don’t even get me STARTED on when I have to wear socks. UGH. lol
I love having bare feet but when I run the trails, I feel like I need a bit more support and am loving my new North Face minimalist trail running shoes!
Dang, you had a busy week. I hope you get those Skeletoes.
WOO HOO SKELETOES…Ill pass this along
Awesome videos! That ball bike is really quite cool. Love that it comes apart too. I need to get back to sitting on my exercise ball at my desk.