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As a follow up to indulge…live…it’s ok to not be 100% healthy all the time
This is how my day went
Last night (ok so yesterday and today) I took my daughter & her friends to ColdPlay concert…
they went to concert
I hung out at Bayside for waaaaaaaay too many hours
Texting pics from my ancient phone to twitpic… On the other hand, I am looking forward to seeing Billie Eilish in concert soon. I got tickets here http://www.billieeilishconcerttickets.com at discount prices.
of American Airlines Arena
and spending more hours watching people dancing, living, enjoying…
Then…sitting in gridlock (again) trying to get out of downtown Miami…
Fast forward a few hours and off to work at Inverrary Golf course this morning
where on weekends I work the hot dog cart and grill for Champions Grill
I normally enjoy the sun, the people…
not today!
Nope! It was 96 and who knows what the feels like what…
I know it was hot
So hot that people weren’t eating on the course
So hot that I guzzled down 96 oz of water and 12 oz of gatorade
Managed to get some new tan lines
And beat the crap outta my right thigh…
not sure how that happened…
lugging buckets of ice or hot water?
or the table?
or the BBQ grill?
who knows
Then noticed a huge (pic doesn’t do it justice) bruise on left shin…
not sure how that happened either…
perhaps when the wheeled cooler tipped and 85 drinks and ice went rolling everywhere?
Thanks to the 3 golfers who did in fact stop their carts and were gentlemen and helped me pick it all up…
And, finally when the work day was over I headed to 7-11 to God willing buy the winning Power Ball ticket for tonights drawing
and…yep, I went for the cooler and got me a dew!
Now, God only knows how long it’s been since I had a soda
and this from a former Mt Dew addict
even after all the water and gatorade I was still dying
10 hours in the sun and heat and yea to the trolls don’t even tell me about how soda doesn’t hydrate, blah blah blah yea I already know that.
But, it was sooooooooooooooooo cold and soooooooooooooooo good….
yep, all 170 calories and 46g of sugar
Now I remember why when I was doing construction and roofing I lived off Mt Dew…it’s just colder than any bottled water can ever get.
And, again yes I know…it’s not really hydrating me or doing anything for me…
but it tasted soooooo good today
and I guzzled that bad boy down in about 4 gulps…
it was gone before I even pulled out of the parking lot
So, there you have it…
I drank a dew for the sole purpose of enjoying a really cold drink, got bruised & banged up and hoping that tomorrow’s a better day at the golf course…
which it would be immensely better if I wake up and find I have the winning #’s for Power Play!
Question of the day
What’d you do this weekend?
Well, it started off by getting a $175.00 refund on a mattress we bought last Sun.
So far no bruises or sunburns for me.
How DARE you step outta da bubble o health! How DARE you!
ROFLMAO Joann!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I somehow knew it’d be YOU who went there!!! ROFL ROFL yep I am human and I’ll be first to admit…that Mt Dew was danged good and refreshing!
nothing exciting here.
I need me some COLDPLAY