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The hardest part in doing nearly anything is the getting started part.
We can aspire to lose weight, get stronger, run faster but without actually getting started you won’t accomplish those goals.
Simple Rules for Achieving Your Goals:
1-get started
2-keep going
Tips for Achieving Your Goals
Break it down to smaller goals…ya know eat the elephant one bite at a time.
Make gradual changes so it’s not too overwhelming and you give up.
Take it one step (or rep) at a time!
Focus…know what you want to achieve and go!
Question of the day
What are you going to start doing?
Getting started is by far the hardest part. Just as every new endeavor in our lives can be scary and overwhelming, attacking our goals can be so intimidating! These are great tips. One of the things that I do is carry around reminders of my goals to look at when I feel down about them, and I always feel more confident once I think about how bad I want them!
Agreed–it’s the getting started part that is hardest. Once you’re up and moving, the rest falls into place fairly easily. Great tips!
Once I start, I’m golden for a while. Keeping motivated, especially with an injury, is the hardest part. It’s been different this time. I’m not letting my injury rule and keeping positive.
Love the quote, if you change nothing, nothing will change. So true!
I have been going back to my 2012 goal post every week so I keep all my goals front and center.
I’m going to start drinking even more water! I do OK but not what i should be doing!
I am loving these inspiring quotes. They really help me when I am having a bad day!
The most that struck me was “If you change nothing, nothing will change.” With regards to health and wellness, if we have not been taking care of ourselves and still won’t do anything, there would be no difference. We are the ones who must realize that our lives will be better if we start taking care of our health.