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Well, this morning I only walked
I did something to my foot and it’s bothering me, so running was out of the question.
Walking was less than comfortable but manageable!
I’m going to blame it on my shoes!
On the left, my trusty well worn Nike Zoom running shoes (which they apparently don’t even make this exact style anymore)
On the right, an obviously nearly new pair of Reebok RunTone Action shoes (that I bought almost a year ago and had in closet til a few months ago)
Nike…I’ve worn a hole in the toe of the left foot, they are impossible to get white anymore and have had for at least 3 years.
But, they’re great! Have never had any issues with them!
Then, comes Reebok…ok, I admit I fell for all the stinkin commercials to get a better shaped butt!
then the shoes sat in the closet, and sat, and sat
I did; however, run in them a few days ago and managed to mess up my right foot.
At least that’s what I think caused it.
I never had anything wrong with my foot until I wore these stupid shoes!
According to Reebok The RunTone Action is an innovative running shoe optimized with Moving Air Technology, built-in balance pods that transfer air in response to your stride and create micro-instability with every step of your run. .
Well, I’m guessing the “instability” is what threw me off (ok so I never said I was really coordinated that a “micro-instability” wouldn’t affect me) and messed up my foot while running.
Which is why today I walked…blah!
So, guess I’ll use Reebok for walking (which I had no problems with) and eventually give in and buy a new pair of Nike’s for running.
And, for the rest of today I’m stuck to no running, attempting to stay off foot but not sure how long that’s going to last…
not good at this ‘sitting’ thing!
What running shoes do you use?
Any suggestions are more than welcome, just post in the comments section please!
Hope your foot gets to feeling better! I don’t think I would want instability at all while running so I bet that had a role. Hate when new shoes aren’t good for your feet.
yep I’m pretty sure the new shoes are to blame
so, I’ve got foot wrapped and up and hopefully tomorrow will be back to running…will probably leave it wrapped and run in my trusty Nike’s!