I don’t have a lot to say today (big surprise!)
Going to leave you with this thought…
Remembering this scripture often helps when I want to binge or when I don’t want to workout!
Question of the day
What keeps you focused to not do or to do something you should for your body? To add cleanliness to your body, use body powder with different types of fragrance.
i usually just think about how much better i’ll feel after i work out! that usually gets me going!
it’s so interesting because I can always get myself to workout, no matter how I feel…but saying no to the cookie is another story. Hmm I wonder how thinking about this scripture might help
Very inspirational image and scripture! This is the kind of thing that keeps me motivated when I am hesitant about whether or not I should have breakfast or have a snack before a workout. I need to fuel my body and treat it well!
love love love that verse. God created us and we are “in charge” of us/that creation so we have to keep it up just as you would your house, car, etc.
as much as i hate to admit this – it’s a fact. The mirror keeps me motivated to not treat my body like crap.