Motivation Monday: Reasons you should workout (exercise)
– Better overall health & well being.
– Feel better (emotionally) – you gain confidence, have a new vibrant outlook on life.
– You’re happier – Exercise increases – endorphins make you happy!
– Balance (like my tag line “Balancing healthy body, mind & soul”) working out and exercising accomplishes that, including relieving stress.
If you need help, support, guidance consider hiring a coach to assist you.
Question of the day
Why do you workout?
or why don’t you?
hahahaha I especially love the first one. Should I work out? no – yes you should. lol. I loved that
Great words to live by, my new excuse is that its too cold, and wet and icy to go running, so therefore I don’t get up early to workout, I need to though, going to do your fit for 2012 challenge