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How do you get yourself out of bed when you don’t feel like it?
What motivates you to get up, lace up your running shoes and hit the sidewalk (or trail or track, whatever)?
Yesterday was an exhausting day so when 5:25 rolled around this morning, I honestly did not want to get out of bed and go run.
For those who don’t know, I wake up on my own usually by 5:45 a.m.
This morning it was 5:25 and I knew that I should get up and go run.
I mean, I have goals of doing 5K, 10K and ultimately half marathon.
I won’t be able to do that if I’m lying in bed though.
Yet, did I get up?
I didn’t get out of bed til 6:30 at which point it was too late to run.
Now, sadly the only way I’ll get a run in is if I were to go find out the access code to the association gym and run on the treadmill
and somehow I seriously doubt I’m going to do that seeing how I’ve lived here 10 months and have never gone down there once!
I did; however, just finish my RevAbs workout and my 100 push ups (which I’ll blog about later)
but running today just did not happen.
Should I beat myself up over it?
Just going to go about my day, do what I have to do and tomorrow make sure I don’t let all the stuff from prior day affect me so that I will get up and get running–which actually helps in the process of forgetting & escaping.
So, what do you do when you miss a workout?
Beat yourself up?
Get over it and move on?
How do you motivate yourself to get going when you really don’t want to?