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This week’s Fitspo Friday Feature is…. Michelle Amie
You can follow her on Twitter: @RunningJewess
Visit her blog at therunningjewess.wordpress.com
Q: Have you always lived a healthy fit lifestyle?
A: Oh dear goodness no! I honestly can’t remember much of what we ate while growing up, but I know that I was always the chubby girl and that I gained a deep passion for bad Chinese food at a young age. My family kept snacks all over the house, in fact, they continue to. It took me a long time to realize that I needed to start caring about what I put into my body, but I think I’ve finally come to respect and love a healthier lifestyle.
As for exercise, I wasn’t always a fan. I played sports throughout middle school, but wasn’t the greatest at any of them. In high school I began going to the gym with a friend and ran my first 5k. When I went away to college I began exercising significantly more (yet I always maintained my weight and never lost). It wasn’t until I moved to Ohio that I began running frequently. Now I can’t imagine a week without running and being active.
Q: What keeps you going, motivated?
Exercise gives me a high. Like Elle Woods said: Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy, and happy people just don’t kill their husbands. Going for a long run, having a great session at the gym, shaking my booty for several hours, it all makes me feel more fulfilled than anything else in my life. My friend Laura always reminds me that “Someone busier than you is running,” and it really lights a fire under my derriere.
Q: What is your favorite workout?
Although I’m passionate about running, my favorite workout would have to be dancing. Give me a great beat and you’ll get me going for hours. I don’t care how I look or who is around me, I just want to get my groove on. It isn’t about working out, it has nothing to do with burning calories, it has everything to do with shaking it. (Okay, I have two favorites, but the other isn’t appropriate to talk about on the internet…)
Q: What are some of your goals?
It is a bit lofty, but I want to run a marathon on all seven continents. This will be tough since there is a long wait list for Antarctica (and I’ve heard rumors that it is cold down there), but that won’t deter me. I’m young, there are plenty of miles on these legs of mine!
In terms of my career, I’d like to complete graduate school without losing my will to live. People close to me have come to realize that I am always busy, stressed out, and overworked. Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving every bit of it, but I’m also looking forward to a less rigorous schedule (a year and a half from now). Anyone need a great product designer for a summer internship?!
On a slightly sappier note… One day I’d like to have a family of my own. A husband that adores me and my slow pace. Children that enjoy running with their (super cool) parents. And two dogs that greet me every day excited for an early morning jog.
Q: What are some of your accomplishments or things you’re proud of?
I’m a marathoner. Yes, I always couple this with the fact that I run slowly, but you bet your ass that I am proud of crossing that finish line. No one can take that (or my Boston medal) away from me.
In other regards, I graduated magna cum laude from a tough engineering program and managed to find a job straight out of school. Although I wasn’t the biggest fan of my job, I’m glad I took it because it led me to the amazing place where I am now.
Q: What is one random fact we should know about you?
I own more underwear than days of the month. And each pair is colorful! I’m not a fan of boring underoos, we all need a splash of color in our under things.
Q: What words of advice would you like to leave the readers?
Life gets hectic, things get in the way, but always make time for the things you love. There are a thousand times to make excuses why you shouldn’t do something, but remember the reasons why you WANT to do it. And don’t forget, chocolate and puppies really do solve most of the problems you’ll ever have.
hahahaha. “Happy people don’t kill their husbands.” I love that. hahahahaha. Methinks Miss Michelle has a sense of humor.
Awe, I’m so flattered Alexandra!