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Everyone’s had an excuse or two as to why they didn’t exercise or workout.
Here are some of the top excuses and how to stop using them!
I don’t feel like working out.
Trust me, you’ll be glad you worked out once you get up and going!
If you don’t, you’ll more than likely regret not having exercised.
I’m depressed/sad/upset
Exercise increases endorphins
Endorphins make you happy
so go exercise!
I don’t feel good
Unless you’re really ill or injured, you can still workout or at least get your body moving doing something…anything.
Modify an exercise if you need to, to ensure your body is moving and getting some activity. Try going to gym with your buddies it will be a fun activity, there is a good one like Gymbox Fitness In Texas.
Exercising is boring
Then change up your workout! Find something that’s fun…
If you normally run, try riding a bike.
If you normally do Zumba, try weights instead.
Into weights and want a change? try yoga!
Exercise doesn’t have to be boring, just change your routine.
Get a BallBike and you’ll have a ball! Every workout is fun and different!
I don’t have time
We all have the same 24 hours, 7 days a week!
Make time to get active.
I’m sure you blow 20-30 mins a day on something that you can easily forgo so you can exercise!
Even if you don’t go to the gym to workout or lace up the running shoes, any type of movement is exercise.
So, go walk the dog, weed the garden, do some house cleaning or drain cleaning, although there are services as www.americanrooter.biz/drain-cleaning that can do it for you, so you can focus on working out.
Just get moving.
No more excuses!
Need some additional inspiration to get you up and moving?
If you need help getting going or staying motivated, consider hiring a coach to keep you on track and accountable.
Question of the day
What’s your excuse? What gets in the way of your workouts?
Its funny (odd not haha) how I WILL make excuses for other goals in my life—but not exercise.
NOW to transfer that to the other goals in my life….
Nice job putting the breaks on those excuses. I do always feel better AFTER a workout, even if I was feeling lousy or tired before. Gotta remember that!
Love the Don’t Make Excuses, Make Progress!! Mine is always a time excuse, but I waste time doing lots of other useless things!! Making time is a priority!
I used to make excuses not to workout allll the time before starting on my health and fitness journey! Now, it’s not even a question!
Even though I workout consistantly, whenever I do not exercise I do regret when it does happen. However, I know I have to give my body rest days so I do not over exercise. Maybe there should be a picture that says not exercising is the same as too much exercise.
Great post! This morning I forced myself into the gym while I was mentally down big time. Can’t say it solved my problems but I’m SO glad I went.