Hmmm bet that got your attention huh?! I'm sure you've all seen the "Jesus fish" that people put on their cars, or the "I LUV Jesus", "I heart Jesus" bumper stickers, etc. What comes to mind when you see them? Do you hold the driver to a higher level of accountability? Do you have them on your car? If so, are you conscious of how you're driving? Being conscious of how … [Read more...] about Has “Jesus” cut you off?
Back to school business creativity
I just had an "a-ha" moment while posting on Facebook when I posted "Do U know what U want to accomplish? are you working towards that goal?" and my good friend Jill made a comment of "absolutely and next week watch out i got big plans". See, Jill has 3 kids, 2 dogs, her own business, her hubby's business and has an insane summer schedule of baseball, bowling, beach and all … [Read more...] about Back to school business creativity
Life’s Games: Hopscotch & Mazes
You remember the game of hopscotch, right? Hopscotch...draw it on the sidewalk, street or dig it in the sand. There were usually 9 spots and a "home/safe" spot at the end. The first player tosses a stone into the first square. The stone would have to land completely in that designated square. The player then hops through the course, skipping the square with the stone … [Read more...] about Life’s Games: Hopscotch & Mazes
Lessons from Dogs: business & life
Since I've been spending more time walking 2 of the 3 dogs, I've been noticing things about them and life along with business. Amazing what you can learn as you walk with a dog that was been taken care from You Heavenly Dog. A Neat Dog Grooming Example is the answer for the health and cleanliness for your favorite pet. Take Chico for example. He's the 'overweight' … [Read more...] about Lessons from Dogs: business & life
A dog’s view
It's the rainy season here in S. FL right now so it's not unusual to walk outside and have blue skies with white clouds and a dark cloud lingering above waiting to pour on you. Chico, my daughters chihuahua, is on an exercise regimen now and walks 3x a day. Sometimes our walks are "interesting and action packed", other times not so much. Sometimes we run across … [Read more...] about A dog’s view
Business is Business
Business is business and most people who are in business are in it to make money. Many are in for charitable reasons as well, but reality is this...we all need money. We are in business to profit, make money, enjoy life and be successful. Many people have said that you shouldn't do business with friends or family. To some extent, I agree with that. But, if you make … [Read more...] about Business is Business
Birds creep me out
Okay, for those that know me..y'all already know that I do not like ducks or any bird of any sort. They freak me out and creep me out. Shall I blame it on Alfred Hitchcock??? ("The Birds") I don't know but for whatever reason, they freak me out. I remember when my son was 3 or 4 and he insisted he had to have parakeets. I gave in (being the good mommy I am lol) and … [Read more...] about Birds creep me out
How to make cupcake cakes
I wrote this ebook years ago to help people see step by step how to make cupcake cakes. Since it's a blah and rainy day here, thought I'd post it again incase anyone wants to do something creative indoors today. download the free ebook here Learn how to make these and more with the ebook … [Read more...] about How to make cupcake cakes
Trade Secrets & How To’s
I suppose this is a 'business rant'... Do you ask businesses for their trade secrets or their "how to's"? For years I've had people email me asking me for directions, information, tips on how I do certain things. Asking me how I design a cake or how to make cupcake cakes, etc. Now granted, I did just now release an ebook for free on How to Make Cupcake Cakes, but … [Read more...] about Trade Secrets & How To’s
Financial Problem Excuses & Direct Sales Businesses
Ok it's getting towards the end of the month. Quota time for many direct sales companies. You know....quota: the thing you have to meet in order to stay active in a direct sales company. Some are $100/month, others are $150 or more, some are only $25 or $30. Regardless, most companies have quota's because well...they want to make sure their reps/consultants make an effort … [Read more...] about Financial Problem Excuses & Direct Sales Businesses