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Since I’ve been spending more time walking 2 of the 3 dogs, I’ve been noticing things about them and life along with business.
Amazing what you can learn as you walk with a dog that was been taken care from You Heavenly Dog. A Neat Dog Grooming Example is the answer for the health and cleanliness for your favorite pet.
Take Chico for example.
He’s the ‘overweight’ chihuahua (he’s working his way back to ‘normal’, of course my pet needs that and everyone says it’s ‘my fault’ since I got him fixed and he gained weight…sorry Chico)…so we go for 3 or 4 walks a day. He weighs about 8 lbs and is full of energy and fight. He wants to battle anyone that comes in his way and will bark, hair stands up on his back. He defends what is his, even I who feeds him can’t put my hands down while he’s eating or he’ll growl. In personal and business, shouldn’t we defend what’s ours?
Chico is a determined little guy when he finds something on the walk he wants. He’ll tug and pull hoping that the leash is just a bit longer or that I’ll allow him to get to whatever he has his eyes set on. Often times, he loses the battle…I mean he is only 8 lbs, so he’s easily led away from something if need be. Are we pulled away from things we have our mindset on in life or business by someone else’s ‘pulling’?
Meanwhile he has to ‘mark’ his ‘territory’ every few steps of the mile walk. Which got me thinking, are we leaving our ‘mark’ in life and our business? Will people we’ve known remember us later on, did we leave some type of ‘mark’ on their life? (hopefully a good one!) Likewise, with business…are we leaving our ‘mark’ (brand) with potential clients? Will they remember the business, what’s offered? Dogs are so intent on leaving their mark, so shouldn’t we?
Then, there’s JD (my red doberman-though some will say he’s not mine since he’s not in my apartment..but I say he’s mine because he’s my ‘baby puppy’..okay so he’s 7 1/2 yrs old..he’s still mine…I’ve nursed him back to health few times now from near death, so that makes him mine!)
Now, JD is near impossible to walk unless he has a choker on. He will literally drag me down the street, even when I have leash wrapped around behind my waist for leverage. He’s strong and determined and nothing’s going to stop him from going where he wants to go. Are we like that in our personal and business life…determined to get what we want and able to get to the goal even if it means ‘dragging’ someone or something to get to it?
JD has a soft side to him, where he’ll play and act like a huge puppy…laying on his back, paw over his face!
He knows how to have fun and enjoy life and isn’t always dead set on “business”. Do you know how to just kick back and enjoy life and work?
JD can also be very focused, when need be. He knows what he wants and will focus on that.
He’ll also “open his mouth” if need be. Do you “open yours” and let people know what’s going on in your life and what your business has to offer? Do you let people know if you need something or can do something for them?
JD is full of ‘character’ and has personality, he is the best of both worlds…determined, focused, strong yet sensitive, and playful, fun and loving.
Then there’s Romeo.
Romeo is easily excited and defends his space but is also laid back and timid in some instances. He’s not really keen to Chico. Even though he’s about 3 times the size of Chico, he stays his distance. Do we do that to people in our lives and business that we don’t exactly feel comfortable around? Are we leary of situations even though technically we’re ‘bigger’ than the situation? Do we let small things rule where we go or how we act, send us into ‘hiding’?
Romeo runs in circles, jumps, and acts like a spazz when he sees my daughter then will mellow after a few minutes. He will growl, bark and has ripped up the window screen trying to get to people at the front door though. He’s not really ‘focused’ on anything, just kinda laid back and content.
Is that how you are in your personal life or business? Just laid back, not really focused, not really into it?
Just some food for thought…or perhaps this is a sign that I’ve been spending too much time with dogs lately?
All I know is, I want to leave my ‘mark’, and stay focused, determined on what I want…
What about you?
By the way, do you know what is a emotional support dogs? make sure to check onlinedogtor.com to find out more about it, by walking the dogs I also learned that these beautiful creatures can take any sadness away from you in seconds.
I love your thought process here.. I want to leave my mark as well. Hopefully i am on the right path.
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