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You remember the game of hopscotch, right?
Hopscotch…draw it on the sidewalk, street or dig it in the sand.
There were usually 9 spots and a “home/safe” spot at the end.
The first player tosses a stone into the first square. The stone would have to land completely in that designated square. The player then hops through the course, skipping the square with the stone in it. Single squares must be hopped on one foot.
Once done with the first sequence, each player continues by tossing the stone into square #2, and repeating the pattern and so on and so on.
If while the player’s hopping, they step on a line, misses square, or falls out of balance their turn is over and they have to begin their turns where they last left off. The first player to complete one course for every numbered square on the court wins the game.
Life and business can be the same…you have to start at the beginning, then you ‘toss your stone’ (career, college, work for someone else, start your own business) and if you make mistakes (step on a line, fall out of balance) you have to start over. You learn from your mistakes in life as well as in your business. You have a ‘safe spot’ when you’re comfortable in your position (marriage, business owner, promotion at work) and feel that you’ve accomplished what your goals in life were, what I am trying to say is that if you are happy with your marriage you won’t hire the private investigations toronto services to follow your partner.
Life is a maze as well. Different turns can lead to dead ends, or if you take all the right turns you’ll reach the exit to the maze. In life we can make wrong turns, but we have the ability to turn around and try another route. If you’re on a ‘wrong turn’ or ‘dead end’ right now, just turn around and go another way…you’ll find the way out, don’t get worried or upset…know that there is a way out and you’ll find that path.
Sometimes, we just have to go with what “feels” right. You may have ‘blinders’ on and can’t see the clear path. Go with your instinct, your gut, your feelings and find the correct path for you. Only you can make that decision…so whether you’re playing “hopscotch” or are “lost” in a maze, right now…find your “safety/home” or the right path out of the maze and be what you were meant to be in life.
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.”
~~Dr Seuss
Life is the sum of all your choices. ~Albert Camus