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Today’s one of those days where words escape me (surprising right!?)
I have a lot on my mind and yet can’t put it into words…
perhaps because it’d be a display of weakness…
or I’d never shut up once I start…
perhaps it’d show that I do have feelings which I will only deny that way nobody can hurt me…
or is it just because I’m so tired yet won’t allow myself to press the pause button on life because quit, weak, needy aren’t part of my vocabulary.
maybe it’s because the walls I once built, then let down are being rebuilt and this time double insulated hurricane proof that way they’re not coming down again (or at least any time soon)
or is it because I have to remember what the Bible says
At my first defense no one supported me, but all deserted me; may it not be counted against them.
But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me…
2 Timothy 4:16-17
and just focus on Him because ultimately people do and will let me down.
Though I will say there are a handful of people that can tell when something is going on and they send virtual hugs so thanks to you few…you know who you are!
And, poor Joann who gets the massive onslaught of emails…bet she wishes I had someone else to email! LOL
For whatever reason…today’s going to be collection of appropriate images…
nothing more…
nothing less…
Question of the day
What are you thankful for today?
Oh, Tara! I know things have been rough for you lately with various matters. I’m here for you and praying for you. You are undoubtedly strong, but its okay to feel torn apart sometimes. Big hugs!
all you can do is keep battling! Keep up the great work and it will all be fine
I’m thankful that I have a loving husband, a good job, and legs that let me run. Focus on the One who makes you strong, we are never strong enough to do it alone.
Keep on, keeping on Tara. I know you’ve got this. Hugs to you! =)
You were right – our posts were on a somewhat similar wavelength today. I’m sending you even more strength right now, though – I know you’re going through a ton. Hang in there ok?
Hang in there! Glad you have a few people to lean on, even if much of it is “virtually”.
xo xo xo xo xo