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Not a lot going on this week.
in fact, I didn’t work out once this week
yep, you read that correctly…not once
I was too caught up in this
I need $4800 to my landlord by 5/30
I needed $3300 when I posted
I now need $2985 as of 835 a.m Sunday 5/20
I’m offering greatly discounted promotion and advertising services if you’d like to take advantage of those (and you can spread services out over time or use now) you can order yours here
Meanwhile, this week…
my daughter had to have 2 sections of her arm and one on her leg cut open to have viral infection things removed
have some good reviews & giveaways going on!
Saturday was a full day and an odd one at that…
started with a photo shoot at Haulover Beach by AFlawlessImage.com (can’t wait to see the pics)
then a little misadventure in Miami Lakes (don’t ask, just know it wasn’t pretty)
hooked up my daughters fathers girlfriend at the tanning salon (yep you read that right…my ex’s current girlfriend…and yes we all get along, ex is still my best friend here)
then some yummy hummus was given to me (if you’re local to me, you can pick yours up at Magic Tan & Massage on Taft/Douglas in Pines)
then I went to Potential Church for 6 pm service.
It was a MOST AWESOME service…
for a multitude of reasons…
I even wore the Shabby Apple dress and put on some mascara & eyeliner!
Glad I did too…some nice eye candy there last night…(hey what better place to find someone…church!)
Ok, back to the actual service though…
It was “Project 180: Part 3 — Life in a NEW Direction: Happiness”
Which is most awesome!
See, even while dealing with the fact I need $ desperately I’m still happy.
I’m not going to walk around in doom and gloom.
Like my original post said days ago, I’m trusting HIM!
So, walking around upset, pissed off, mad is not going to help anything…only hurt.
I’ve actually had emails from a few saying they would not help me by buying my services or donating because I was “too happy”
ummmm ok?!
But, in last nights message Pastor Troy hit on a verse that my bestest friend Julie (who sadly lives like 1200 miles from me) keeps reminding me of…
and that’s James 1:2 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds”.
And, Pastor Troy said “WHY?”, WHY count it pure joy?”
Answer to that…Because that means you’re going to see or experience something you’ve never seen or done before…and God gives us more JOY and wants to bless us
Some other key points from last night:
People who are happy live healthier lives and live longer!
And for those who know me, y’all know I say I’m going to live to at least 108 so I’ve gotta be happy to be able to make it that far
Intentionally enjoy life every day!!!!!
The Biology of Happiness:
10% – circumstances (big house, nice car, good job, spouse)
90%- genetics, attitude, thoughts (how we think and if we RENEW our minds, mercies every morning!)
Pastor said that IF someone has all the right circumstances and NOT the right thoughts and attitudes they’re in the negative by 80% or so
IF someone has right attitude/thoughts but perhaps not the right circumstances they’re better off than the above person because then they’re only lacking 10% unlike the other who is lacking so much more!
That REALLY spoke to me, because my circumstances right now are whacked but yet I’m still happy and focusing on Him and seeking Him and His glory daily…
I personally know others who DO have the circumstances that you would think would make them happy (retired, camping with the Best Tent, travel, boats, expensive cars) and yet they’re miserable, they’re not healthy, they turn to other things seeking happiness…
and yet, here I am…I do in fact love my Scion XB (respect the box haters!), while I rent a small 2/2 condo (that’s what I need financial help with) I do like it…my still hope one day we will hire the long distance movers to move in to our dream house…I enjoy my work (what work I have) though do admit I need more! I don’t drink, smoke or do drugs–others turn to those because they lack happiness and try to find it there or fill in the holes…I’m healthy (haven’t been to a dr in yrs & yrs other than to give birth to my son and daughter 23 & 16 yrs ago!) soooooooooooooooooo really who’s experiencing more joy and happiness? I have family members that have been in the drug rehab Arizona in order to recover from this substances and I have no desire whatsoever to be in a similar position.
Happiness changes who you are, what you look like and the world around you.
That’s soooo true…this week while most would think I should be upset, crying, hysterical, pissed off, doom and gloom
It’s actually been kinda the opposite in some aspects…though yesterday I did get pissed off about the situation in Miami Lakes, but got over it since reality is that’s just the way it is in South Florida…
But, this week has been an eye opening week…
seeing doors that needed to be closed, changes I needed to make, courage to be 100% ME & not trying to down play my assets (just because I hit financial woes doesn’t mean I’m stupid, incompetent or less a person), realizing who some people are and acknowledging the fact they’re users and not welcome in my life any more, seeing how some online people only want to benefit from what I have to offer yet in my time of need they can’t help with even a dollar or two or to buy my service that they want me to provide for them for free on a daily basis, getting deeper in the Word, closer to God and just an overall feeling of joy even in the midst of the darkness.
So, while this is a major trial, I’m still going to count it all good and be happy because my world is improving and I’m trusting Him and also taking action to do what I can which then brings results (another key note from Pastor Troy)
So, that’s how my week has been and my daughter who’s been at a friends volleyball tournament all weekend gets back home tonight so I’m off to do some errands, clean and hopefully get on my ballbike for a workout!
Closing thoughts:
Question of the day
How was your week?
Any enlightening/defining moments?
and it’s a new one