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This week has been a blur
School starts Monday
So, Thursday Christa and I took off for Naples Beach
to enjoy clean white sandy beaches and calm clear water and non crowded beach
take our traditional feet in the water pic
grab a quick pic of teen child with the why the heck are you taking a pic of me look (she’d probably kill me if she reads this post and sees all these pics)
same teen is now in pain from getting nasty sun burn
When we left she wasn’t red
somewhere during the 110 mile drive and Friday morning she was red and in pain
Other than her being in pain now, we had a great day on Naples beach!
Yesterday, I posted the Tees for Change Review & Giveaway
Make sure to enter if you’re into soft comfy inspirational organic tee shirts!
This past week I was also excited to announce that I’m a distributor for ABSolute Fuel a non jittery, high energy fat burner and appetite suppressant!
As far as workouts…
I have no clue what I did on what day.
I do know I had multiple bike rides watching Supernatural (duh..what else would I watch!?) for 45-80 minutes.
I did planks every day.
I did push ups 4 days.
And, I ran once.
Not great as far as workout schedules go but something is better than nothing.
I also purged myself of some people, groups and things that were taking up my time and not doing a thing for me.
So that was freeing and opened things up a bit.
Selling one business and working on few other projects.
Also, getting ready to get into serious mode with some of my goals…so watch out!
Still haven’t found hope…
Question of the day
What are you doing this weekend?