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After a conversation on Lisa Johnson’s Facebook page, I decided that I’d post this quinoa recipe.
For those who don’t know what quinoa is a seed, though many consider it to be a whole grain, but is prepared like rice or barley.
Quinoa is excellent for protein, B12, has low carbs that also release into your system slowly, has high levels of magnesium, and is excellent for those who are vegan/vegetarian looking for sources of Vitamin B and protein.
Now for the recipe.
Makes about 2 servings and is ready in 20 minutes (or so)
You can alter the ingredients to whatever you like, this is just what I use.
3 TBSP quinoa
1/4 onion (whatever type of onion you prefer-sometimes I use yellow, other times white)
1 stalk of celery
1 fresh clove of garlic (or more if you like garlic-which I do! so sometimes put in 2 cloves)
1/2 red bell pepper
1/2 yellow pepper
approx. 1 TSP of tamari
1 cup of broccoli
1/2 cup chickpeas
~Cook the quinoa according to package (should have about 1/2 cup cooked quinoa when done) and set aside.
~Put a few TBSP of water in a skillet to steam sautee the onion for approx. 5 minutes or so.
~Add all your other ingredients (veggies, and tamari) except for the broccoli and chickpeas.
~Cover and heat for approx. 3-4 minutes.
~Add your cooked quinoa, broccoli and chickpeas to the skillet and add water as necessary to steam.
~Cover and steam approx. 3-4 minutes until the broccoli is cooked.
~Then ENJOY!
You can add whatever veggies you want, you can use EVO (extra virgin olive oil) or coconut oil to saute’ everything if you don’t want to use water to steam saute’ (it’s entirely up to you).
Be creative and enjoy!
Thanks for the recipe!!! Love it
I love this recipe and I LOVE quinoa, but every time I eat it, my tummy is a mess. No matter how well I rinse it and regardless of what way I prepare it. It’s such a bummer, too, because I really love it.