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Ok, so this morning I saw some really delicious looking cupcakes online and out of sheer boredom I made some red velvet ones here at home.
Nothing fancy….nothing to get excited about…just plain red velvet.
I was going to make them all 4th of July themed but never got to it!
So, there’s the red & white but no blue (unless you count my emotions…more on that in a minute).
As you see, nothing to really get all excited about…
But, I honestly lost count of how many I had…
I had one without frosting because it was calling my name, I had to taste them before letting Christa have any to make sure they were ok, I’m PMS’ing, they were there (there I admit it) then another.
Then, I frosted them and another beckoned out to me, and another and somewhere I stopped counting during the course of the day.
This is why I should not stay inside all day long (but compliments of my neighbors annoying me by hitting my car a second time this week and other jerks letting their big huskies run loose to terrorize me and 5 lb chico, I didn’t want to go back outside for any reason).
So, lets guesstimate about 240-250 calories per cupcake x I have no clue how many…maybe 8? that’s like 2000 calories for the day!
Now, I honestly can’t remember if I ate anything else today though.
Oh, wait I had some broccoli rice for lunch…
dinner…hmmm cupcake…
Glad I rode my bike and burned off 800+ calories so in theory my weight should be fine with the bike ride and light weights I did plus other activities, but my stomach isn’t!
It’s screaming at me for being so stupid and thoughtless.
So, everyone this is what NOT to do!
I seriously have no idea why I ate all those because really I wasn’t hungry, I wasn’t upset or eating emotionally, I was just eating because they were there and I had nothing else to do.
Though I was eating them while doing research online, while cleaning, while freecycling, while doing other things.
So, to save face I’m just going to say that cupcakes are evil!
at least in quantity!
So tip #1 for today: eat ONE cupcake, not EIGHT!
Tip #2: this is what you DO NOT do (as a coach this was a demonstration of what not to do lapse of control.
You know what I like about you Tara? You keep it real. When you screw up, you fess up. You motivate me and inspire me, too. Thanks for being you, being human, being real.