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This week has gone by S L O W L Y
yet quickly
yet not quickly enough
how’s that even possible
Can it be Monday already?
How’s that for a change?!
Most people dread Monday’s…
except I guess most look forward to this Monday but regardless, I just want to get going here…
Weekly recap:
I did have everything written down but now it’s buried in a pile of papers next to my desk
so much for jotting down notes!
Monday: Physically: BallBike – 45 mins
Mentally: motivated and focused on things.
Tuesday: Physically: BallBike – 40 mins and worked arms at same time w/resistance bands
Mentally: Still motivated & standing in faith
Wednesday: Physically: RKS Kettlebell workout.
Mentally: I’m still standing & believing, positive & focused
Thursday: Physically: MostFit Suspension Strap-worked arms, Bike-45 minutes while watching Yellow Fever episode of Supernatural for the upteenth time.
Mentally: Tired of it, but gotta keep on keeping on…
Friday: Physically: Nothing-spent countless hours in traffic driving from Pembroke Pines to Sunny Isles and back to Pines then back to Sunny Isles then back to Pines!
Mentally: exhausted and tired of games and finally realizing I have zero family other than my daughter & son (and I hardly see him…) and am weeding people out of my life who are users/abusers and/or aren’t appreciative/supportive or are negative, try to tear me down.
Saturday: Today— Physically: jogged/walked 30 mins on treadmill
On a plus, I’m down to 124 pounds so closing in on my goal
down side, a lot of my workout clothes and regular clothes no longer fit and no way to get new ones that do…
Mentally: Exhausted, tired of emotional whip lash…
I want to quit! Yet, realize that’s not an option…so, keep on keeping on.
Decided not to go to nephew’s wedding…
and I had a perfectly great dress for it too
At some point in the week, I checked out Laura London’s Fit & Fab Moms contest then realized I haven’t really been training so kinda pointless…perhaps next year?
Somewhere during the week I also contemplated duathalons but realized I have no bike and haven’t been running so if I want to do that I probably need to get a bike, get running and get serious.
See, having goals is great…if you take the action to reach them!
and for the big situation/ordeal from last week’s update, I still need to come up with $2640.
Ironically this past week has been royal test after test after test and yet sooooo defining that it’s mind boggling.
Think this pretty much sums it up:
The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.
Chinese Proverb
With that said, when all’s said and done I should be one hecka shiny glimmering glistening gem…
Question of the day
How was your week?
Have any Memorial Day plans?
How do you deal with people who are in your life but don’t care about you?