While this past weekend has been emotional, hard, it’s also be defining and enlightening.
It started off with a cry for help (and some great promotional offers if you need help with social media or advertising), it lead to an awesome church service reaffirming it’s ok (we’re SUPPOSED) to be happy!
I actually have had multiple people email me now (since my weekly update post even MORE have emailed me) saying that they flat out will not buy any of my services nor help with a donation because I’m too happy given my circumstances…
again..ummm ok?!
Yes, I’m in a bad place right now
Yet, at the same time I have a lot to be thankful for and I choose to focus on the positive, the blessings, the happiness opposed to all the other nonsense.
So, apparently to them I should be holed up in the corner of my room in the fetal position…
how’s that going to help?
So, here’s the deal…
Yes, I still need to get $2840 before May 30th.
Yes, I’m standing in faith and believing…
Yes, I’m working and trying to get more work…
Yes, I’m giving thanks for every blessings…no matter how small…
Meanwhile, I’m turning my back to (to stop being involved in something):
hateful & negative people (though I will pray for them that they become happy and positive)
nay-sayers & haters
self hate
Question of the day
What are you turning your back to?
Shameless plug in form of a question:
Do you need any promoting done of your site/business? (if so, go here tweets/pins/posts for just $1!)
Good for you for taking that attitude! You’ll come out on top and that’s the best deal of all.
Great attitude, great pic.
People are so crazy… wanting you to be devastated so they can be the hero and pick you up from your place of despair… sad and ego driven! Tara, you are so right, that in every moment there is opportunity to be grateful. It is true, proven over and over, that perspective gives us all a chance to grow into stronger people or be defeated by what is the natural order of things on this roller coaster ride called Life. Blessings to you, Tara!
Keep up the good attitude! Fingers crossed that the perfect thing falls into your lap really really soon!
Praying for God’s provision!!!
I love your attitude. Negativity doesn’t help!!! Thoughts and prayers going your way!!
I don’t get why more people don’t CHOOSE to be happy! It’s not any more difficult than CHOOSING to be miserable!
Great attitude Tara!
really? wow i hate people. I would so rather help someone who is trying to find the positive side than the person who has taken a negative outlook on life. the person with a positive attitude is the one that is going to do great things with the help received.
I truly truly truly wish I had spare money so I could donate or buy a service. I completely know what its like to be stuck in a financial crisis and see no end in sight, but unfortunately I’m pretty poor myself
but know youre in my heart and that those people are just negative assholes who are jealous that you are able to find the sun in the darkness
Just keep rockin out. You make a huge impact on all us
Fingers crossed it all works out
I think it is absolutely FANTASTIC that you smile and keep such a positive attitude despite the situation stresses and worries around you. I ADMIRE that, I can’t believe others would criticize you for trying to look at the glass half full, or trying to remain positive in a very harsh and emotionally draining and worrisome situation.
Really needed this today…
shame on those that want you to be negative…that shows more about them than you…boo!! and kudos to you for being positive in this situation…good energy attracts good energy!!!
Good for you, Tara!
Oh and I just ordered some button advertising.