Stress is a part of everyone’s life.
What differs is how each person responds to it.
Situations that one may find stressful, someone else may not.
We all react differently…physically, mentally or emotionally to stress.
Stress, anxiety or worry can strain our bodies and cause health possible health issues.
Common effects of not handling stress well
-Migraines or Headaches.
-Moody or Emotional.
-Digestive issues.
-Skin breakouts.
-More severe health issues can be attributed to stress as well (heart health, obesity)
Ways to de-stress
-Make a conscious effort to relax. Spend time in prayer, meditation, yoga or doing something that is quiet and promotes slowing down and relaxing.
-Say “No”. Don’t over commit. Yes, I know you want to do it all…family, work, friends, your own personal time, but you can’t! Prioritize and say no to everything else!
-Delegate. Have someone else in the family help with household duties, have a co-worker take care of some of the work load, hire others to do tasks that would allow you to free up some of your time and alleviate stress.
-De-clutter and get organized. If your desk, work area, house is cluttered and a mess odds are your mood and stress level will be too! When things are neatly organized and in their proper place there is less to stress and be anxious over.
–Melatonin can help with stress by allowing you to get sound sleep and helping with headaches/migraines as well as being a powerful anti-oxidant and has been shown to be effective in treating some forms of depression.
-Exercise! Endorphins are good for the body & make you feel good! Get up and get moving!
“Give your stress wings and let it fly away”
~Terri Guillemets
Question of the day
What do YOU do to de-stress?
My workouts are by big de-stresser. When I don’t have time for those, I get even more worked up!
yeah. i need to work on saying no. within the last couple weeks i have added 3 time-consuming commitments to my life, and i already felt overwhelmed to start with! gah. REALLY need to start saying no.
oh and guess what? i had the worst migraine of my life on tuesday, have ridiculous skin problems, and some significant digestive issues. shocking.
i get the worst eye twitches when i’m super stressed! it’s so annoying. lately i’ve found exercise to be my biggest stress relief!
I bake. It soothes the soul. or i make soup.
Love this! I definitely know that my body feels the pains of stress. I’ve really had to learn how to de-stress and it’s amazing how much of a difference it makes!
stress management is something we are both working on!
thanks for this
pinning as always need to remember to stress less
you know how in high school it was like a challenge to see who stayed up the latest…i feel like we kind of wear stress like a badge of honor now too!