Today’s Monday Motivation
You can do or have whatever you want, but…
you’re going to have to take action and make it happen!
For some reason people think that because someone is in shape, lost a lot of weight or whatever they’ve achieved that it’s come easily for that person.
Comments of I wish I could look like you, I wish I could lose weight like you did, I wish I was that strong, I wish I was successful.
QUIT wishing!
Wishing doesn’t make it so.
Odds are that person had to change their lifestyle, the foods they ate, work out more, work more…
They probably took ACTION so they could be who and what they are right now!
Knowing is not enough;
we must apply.
Willing is not enough;
we must do.
Johann Wolfgang von Goothe
Do you need help making a weight change or healthier lifestyle change? Hire a coach to get you into action!
Question of the day
What are YOU going to make happen?
For me the greatest realization was INACTION is also making a choice.
Love it, Tara! I pinned:)
Now that’s Monday Motivation!! We all have a choice – what will we choose?
So. True! It’s hard work. But it’s worth it.
Yep, not gonna get there sitting on our behinds wishing! Great reminder!
Good stuff….thanks for the inspiration…and oh so coincidentally, as I was waiting for tthe screen to change to your FB page….I was looking around for my bottled water to take a swig, thinking, hey, I need to hydrate more…and voila…there was your same recommendation.
Woot! Great motivation!! Thanks for sharing