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Sleep is awesome (though I wouldn’t necessarily know)
This is one of those do as I say, not as I do type of posts!
But, in my defense last night I did get a whopping 4 1/2 hours of sleep and did not go for my dark o’ clock run this morning.
At 5:15 I opted for yoga instead.
I know what my body is capable of and this morning, a run wasn’t one of those things!
Whether you’re sleeping less because you’re working or perhaps having fun, or simply can’t get to sleep, or sleep well it can affect you and your health.
Fewer than half of all Americans sleep long enough or well enough, according to the National Sleep Foundation.
How Much Sleep Do You Need?
According to WebMD, the sleep requirements for each person depend on many factors, including age. For example, in general:
Infants require about 16 hours a day.
Teenagers need about nine hours on average.
Most adults need seven to eight hours a night for the best amount of sleep, although some people may need as few as five hours (ah at least a source that doesn’t condemn me for my 3-4 1/2 hrs —well ok, I’m close to the “as few as five hours”) or as many as 10 hours of sleep each day.
Another study showed that people really do need their beauty sleep.
Hmmmmm, I look the same no matter how much or little I sleep.
They took pictures of women not wearing makeup (Hmmm I never wear makeup) after being sleep deprived and the then rated the photographs.
The raters judged the sleep-deprived faces as less healthy, less attractive, and more tired.
However, a few of the study participants’ sleep-deprived photos were rated healthier, more attractive, and less tired.
So there you have it…it’s inconclusive!
Now while I’m posting this, I also don’t totally agree with it.
So, then WHY am I posting something I myself don’t do and don’t totally agree with?
Because, YOU might agree with it.
YOU might want this info.
I think the one point I do agree with is the one pertaining to weight loss, the rest I can do without–sorry but I just don’t agree with the other ‘facts’.
Though, I do agree with sleep deprivation having an affect on the brain and cognitive function.
Headaches, confusion, achy muscles, lack of energy, increased stress levels, increased blood pressure (maybe this one, or perhaps since I always have low low then this one doesn’t affect me personally) are things you may experience if you don’t have enough (or good) sleep.
Basically, do what your body tells you.
Learn to listen to your body.
If you’re feeling some of the things I mentioned above then try to sleep an extra hour or so…take a nap, go to bed earlier, get up later…
Pay attention to signals that indicate problems with the amount of sleep your getting (or not getting).
click the image to see it full size in new window so you can actually read the info there!
(note there are a few typo’s in the text, but your brains are smart enough to read what it’s meant to say. I don’t remember where I got this so can’t let them know about it)
Tips for better sleep
(again I don’t go by all of these myself but will give you a guideline)
-Set a regular bedtime (I do this; however, it’s one usually around 1 a.m.)
-Set a regular awakening time (I do this; however, it’s one usually around 430-5 a.m.–see why these are tips and not carved in stone)
-Take about 30 minutes from tv, computers, electronics to unwind before going to bed.
-Don’t consume caffeine in the evening.
-Don’t alcohol before going to bed.
-Try a relaxing yoga session an hour or so before you want to go to sleep.
-Do what feels right to you!
Question of the day
How many hours of sleep do YOU get?